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For example in the strings section, if I want to make a bow stroke start mellow gradually change to harsh. I have tried CC#22 and CC#23, and I hear absolutely no difference throughout the range for either of them. Other articulations like playing the bow near the bridge, and away from the bridge. come to mind are some effects I want to achieve.

Windows 11 PO5.

Thank you for any help provided.

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In Cubase there is a folder called vst expressions. This contains the information on how to use a certain expressions with with Cubase. In the folder it will have for example Garritan, Halion, EW, SampleTank etc…… copy 5he folder you want ie the Garritan folder to your project folder . I the create a folder called expressions and dump them there. In Cubase you can then add an articulation lane. Further up on the left hand side you can add a new expression map for that instrument. For example First violins you click 9n the box to load a new expression map to the instrument. Once this has been done you are then taken into the the expression map set up. You will see load. Click on this and then navigate to the folder you created and locate the First Violin expression map. Click ok and you will the. See all your articulations. But it isn’t that easy. You need to programme the on off sequence which is quite easy if the pizzicato articulation is 9n the A1 note then add A1 next to the articulation this is the on trigger. Towards the top right is a similar smaller box. Just put A1 in their. Do the same for the other articulations and save with a unique name. Save to another folder in the expressions folder in case you need to revert to the original file. When all done come out of the screen and them in the Expression map set and you should see Violin 1 for example. Select this and in the lower articulations lane you will see all of your articulations. If my score has pizzicato in the text ie MuseScore then Cubase automatically updates all notes with the articulation on Cubase. I can’t remember if it does this for all the articulations. Once set up you can then cop6 the expression folder to every project you do. I can’t speak for other software but I assume they have a similar format, yes confusing between expressions and articulations because in musical terms these are totally different.

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