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I'm running a MacBook Pro (M1, 64GB RAM, 2TB HD). I recently updated my Mac to Sonoma and Finale v. 27.4. Also running the newest version of Keyboard Maestro 11.0.1. Since the updates to Sonoma and Finale 27.4, any Keyboard Maestro macro that involves more than a simple menu selection (for example, clicking buttons within a dialog box that is called up by the initial menu option) now requires a couple of seconds to process. These macros use to work almost instantaneously, but now, I have to pause for a second or more to wait on the system to finish the macro. To say this is frustrating is an understatement. Wondering if anyone else has experienced this? Any suggestions are most appreciated!


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I can also confirm that the delays have vanished after the updates.

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I encountered the same behavior, also with the Keyboard Maestro 11.0.1.

It's very annoying.

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Have you contacted KM support?

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Exactly the same problem here with the same setup. (M1, Sonoma 14.1.2, Finale 27.4). Thought I was going crazy. Will contact KM who are normally very responsive.

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Yes, I've submitted the same issue with KM support. Will update here when I hear back from them.

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Grant - do you use, or have you used, JetStream Controller for KM? (In my case the problem started at the same time as installing, and then uninstalling, JetStream).

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Hi Carl, yes, I do use the Jetstream Controller. Are you thinking it could be the combination of Jetstream and KM on Sonoma? What version of the Streamdeck software are you running? I had some problems in the past with the newest update, so I have been running a slightly older version.

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I was using the very latest version: JetStream 20231120. I tried to get rid of the little KM window (windoid?) that was JetStream's "interface" in Finale, but couldn't work out where that was implemented within the JS KM macro set. (And I've used KM for 15 years). When I noticed the lagging behaviour I removed every bit of JS I could find in KM, but I wonder now if there's some bit of it that I missed.

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I've just heard back from Peter Lewis himself who's looked at it closely and thinks it's odd behaviour in Sonoma that he understands will be fixed in a future system update. He's incredibly thorough and it's most likely that he's correct.

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Carl, I just upgraded MacOS this morning to Sonoma 14.2, and also upgraded Finale to 27.4.1. After these upgrades, KM macros are running at their normal speed. I still experience a few hiccups, but the major issue seems to be resolved now. 

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Cool to know.


I'm having a weird little issue with the Text Tool in Acrobat Pro and am hoping that macOS 14.2 fixes that, too. There is a convoluted workaround but having it behave is a whole lot faster.

Update: 14.2 did not fix Acrobat Pro 2017 for me—looks like I'll have to upgrade to 2020 stand-alone that, per Adobe is Sonoma compatible. Ouch but still less expensive than one year of Adobe's Student/Teacher subscription for Acrobat Pro alone.

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