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This has happened to me once or twice before, and the only way I have gotten around it is by starting a new file and painstakingly copying all music from one to another. I really don't want to do that again, especially on this pice that is 42 pages of 36 staves each. Hoping someone knows how to fix this!

I was going through for some final editing and typesetting of an orchestral pice. Suddenly on page 11 I see the music extending way past the bottom of thepage. On closer inspection, every staff in the system is doubled. Now, the staves themselves are fine (so far as I can tell, and if I insert an empty bar, for instance, and push the music to the next page, then only the empty bar has the extra staves, not the bars of content. In other words, it seems strongly that there is something about the page that is causing the staves to duplicate. 

And note they are only visually doubled - if I select either Piccolo staff, for example, and delete it, then both copies are removed. They are the same staff, just showing up twice. 

Originally I was working in Finale 26. I had downloaded 27, but hadn't yet installed it. After fighting this problem, I went ahead and installed Finale 27 hoping the problem might go away, but that is not the case. The problem persists. Can anyone help me solve this? I can send the file if needed. 

Finale running on Windows 10.

Thanks for any help!


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 I can send the file if needed. 


Yes that would be best. My address is e e biggs one at gmail dot com.  Using conventual email nomenclature and no spaces. Plus the number 1 and not "one".

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thanks Ernest, sent by email, much appreciated!

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Nothing received yet! Be sure to use regular email verbiage. No spaces and the number 1.

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oops, I mised an e! Sent again, thanks!

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nothing yet 

e e biggs 1 at gmail dot com  ---------  no spaces and use the @ for "at".

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hmm, I think I got it right that time... maybe seen as spam? coming from e n r at un-labeled dot com (same rules apply)

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Just to follow up in case anyone else stumbles upon this looking for an answer. Thanks a million to Ernest Biggs, above, who took my score, fixed, and sent it back in working order. What a lifesaver!

His notes to me said: "Once a file or a part or page gets corrupted there is nothing you can do to fix it. You can’t un-corrupt it! I deleted page 11" and, "You can’t delete a page unless it is blank. So all the music has to be moved before that page. Then simply use the delete blank page tool."

I have to admit, I tried to replicate this, to better understand the problem/solution for the future, and I could not figure it out. Specifically, how to move all the music to before the bad page. I tried inserting blank pages, but so far as I can tell, there's no way to flow systems onto those pages. I also tried just to squeeze the music all into the first 10 pages, but that just froze, did not seem feasible. Somehow Mr. Biggs was able to do it, so I remain grateful and slighlty befuddled. 

But I did try one other thing that made me a little nervous, but also seemed to work. I exported as musicxml, then opened up the resulting xml file in a text editor and searched for anomalous entries. Sure enough, I found one - as shown below, the measure element for staff 1, page 11 had this system-layout element that no other measures had except measure 1. I deleted that fragment and imported the xml file as a new score in Finale. It worked! That is, it fixed the layout problem. It did intropduce some other things, like I had to reset all the instruments to NotePerformer, and there were a few weird things with cross-staff notes and multi-voice measures that I had to clean up, but it did preserve almost everything as needed. 

I wish there a way to fix it in the .musx file directly - hello MakeMusic, bug tracker? - but at least I hope the above helps someone in a similar situation, or helps me remember next time I encounter this!

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 I tried inserting blank pages,  ...


If you try to insert a blank page before the page with issues and/or errors Finale will insert that new blank page with the same issues and errors. Looking at your sample XLM file it appears Finale added a line that was not needed. It is almost surely the reason for the problem. Plus it is almost surely why adding a new blank page doesn't work or help.  I learned something today as I would never have thought to look at the XML.



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