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Windows 10, Finale  

Exported a MIDI file from Finale.  Imported it into MixCraft 10, where it has a heavy vibrato which cannot be eliminated, regardless of the patch chosen.

Closed MixCraft and returned to Finale.  Got the "Error Code 7" message, "Finale's audio engine failed to load."   Rebooted Windows.   Still getting the same error message.  Meantime, the sound on Windows Media Player works fine, so I know the problem is in Finale, not in Windows.  My sound module is Roland Quad Capture.


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Closed MixCraft and returned to Finale.  Got the "Error Code 7" message, "Finale's audio engine failed to load."  

I would bet you will get that error every time. Finale doesn't play well with other sound suing apps. Once it gives up the sound driver it won't load it back until you restart Finale. In your case I would look in the MIDI/Audio setup and see if anything changed. 

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Thanks Ernest.   Combing through the MIDI menu, somehow that menu option never caught my eye before.    Just took a screenshot of the settings for future reference.   What seemed to help in this instance was "Reload MIDI driver."

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