is there somewhere, besides the manual, a shortcut printable sheet...?
printing from the manual is a pain...
This web page has most, if not all Finale 26 shortcuts.... All in categories and downloadable. It claims to list 577 Finale shortcuts.
For some reason, if I post a web link it doesn't show - says "waiting approval" - yet never appears... so assemble this URL and you will find a terrific set of downloadable PDF Finale shortcut sheets...
Way too complicated. When I’m teaching basic Finale classes, I cover the easy ones: durations, modifications, intervals, corrections, in the first hour. It takes longer for them to sink into their muscle memory, of course. But they start off being able to get the notes on the page. Once they have the basics, they can easily pick up others as they go along, and see what they need to learn based on their own style.
I sometimes use a little app called “cheat sheet” which shows on screen all the shortcuts for whichever app you’re in. Works great in Finale it also recognises any shortcuts you have programmed in and displays them. All you have to do is hold the “cmd key down and the shortcuts are displayed on screen, I find it useful when I have a senior moment or when I haven’t used a key stroke for a while.
Mac mini M2 os Sonama Finale 27.4
Hi I'm not sure if you are using the same app, mine will stay on the screen for as long as you hold down the "command" key. There is no set time. I downloaded mine from....
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