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It would be an incredible time saver to have keyboard shortcuts for switching enharmonic spelling between Favor Sharps and Favor Flats! Another one that is desperately needed is a shortcut for switching layers within the articulation tool.


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Windows Finale or Mac Finale ?


You can yourself add “keyboard shortcuts for switching enharmonic spelling between Prefer Sharps and Prefer Flats”.


There are already keyboard shortcuts for switching layers.

The keyboard shortcuts work in all tools - including the Articulation Tool.


I can not be more specific - since I do not know, whether you are using Windows Finale or Mac Finale.

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Of course, you can set your own shortcut to this tool:
Plug-ins>TG Tools>Menu Shortcuts. You can set your custom key to menu commands.

To switch layers,
Windows: Shift+alt+(number of layer, 1-4)
Mac: Command+option+(number of layer, 1-4)

-Edit: as Peter Thomsen suggested, please don't forget to specify your Finale Version, and Operative System when you are asking for something, to get the specific help You are needing.

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Thanks! I am using the latest version for Mac. How would I create a keyboard shortcut for switching the enharmonic spelling?

I found the one for global layer switching, thank you.

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There doesn't seem to be a Menu Shortcuts option under the TG Tools menu.

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I think the Menu Shortcuts is only in the full (paid) version of TG Tools (and maybe Windows only.)


Look into Keyboard Maestro. The cost is pretty low. There’s a learning curve (and I’m firmly at the low end) but it can do all sorts of things. I’ve been able to program exporting MP3s to just two mouse clicks, instead of multiple menus and dropdowns.


For switching layers, I use the Mac Keyboard shortcuts to map layers 1 and 2 (which are all I really use) to a couple F keys.

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… I am using the latest version for Mac. How would I create a keyboard shortcut for switching the enharmonic spelling? …


The commands for Favor Sharps and Favor Flats are menu commands:

Finale menu > Enharmonic Spelling > Favor Sharps

Finale menu > Enharmonic Spelling > Favor Flats


Hence you can use the Mac OS System Preferences pane {Keyboard} to program keyboard shortcuts for Favor Sharps and Favor Flats.

If you need instructions about, how to program the keyboard shortcuts, let us know.


You can also program custom keyboard shortcuts for other Mac applications.

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Thanks, you're right about TG tools only having that feature in Windows. I got a keyboard macro app called Keysmith (which I could install free with my Setapp subscription) and made one that way!

Still, this is something that Finale should do natively.

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There are many things that people would like to see Finale do, automatically.


Wiggy's Law: For every Finale feature that users want added, an equal number do not.

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Wiggy's Law: For every Finale user who eagerly desires a feature, there's another user who wants an option to turn it off.

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