I can't specify multiple copies. When I choose any number (other than 1) I just get 1 copy.

OS 10.11.6, HP c309a
>Mac OS 10.11.6
Hp 8610 version 2.0<
That's why you have to specify such info. Otherwise, someone like I can't verify your problem. Unfortunately, all I can add is, "me too".
I tried every printer trick I know and have the exact same problem. If you can't go to this
then this
and have it work, there's a problem.
I think we both have to file support tickets. Thanks for the heads-up.
There is a new submenu in the Print screen called Finale Print Options. It includes basic print functionality such as printing multiple copies. Here's a screen shot. The red circle is where you specify the number of copies.
Not only is this not properly documented but by having basic print functions no longer work in the Print box, it ignores the basic Apple programmers guide, both of which I find appalling.
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