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I like v25 so far. It feels faster and much more responsive. Haven't tried most of the new features yet.

But here is one I don't like:

In previous versions, creating a PDF file from the Print dialog would result in a default name for the PDF that matches the Finale file name. No extra typing or correction required. In v25 the score/parts print selection dialog has been moved into the print dialog, which seems to make sense. But now, when I make a PDF through the print dialog, the default name is "Untitled.pdf" = extra typing. And what's a bit more annoying the resulting PDF file name gets a " - Score" appended. Makes sense for an actual score printout but for a lead sheet? I often have multitudes of PDFs to export and having to manually go to the Finder and change "Title - Score.pdf" to "Title.pdf" seems like a waste of time.





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What OS are you using?


If Mac, maybe you could just print out whatever file names come up and use the Mac "Automator" to fix the names to what you want. I'm afraid I have no idea how, but that seems to be one of the things the feature is for.


Why don't you post a question on the regular Make Music Macintosh or Windows forum? This new forum sadly seems a bit limited because a lot of the experts don't hang out here.

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Lots of complaints on that one. Probably best to submit a support case.

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Hi Peter

This has been acknowledged as a bug by MM, and is slated to be fixed in the next update.




Daz :o)


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FWIW, this issue is problematic for me as well.

Bruce, I can certainly create a macro using Automator or another app, but I'm not interested in doing work I didn't have to do in Finale 2014.5.

I'll submit a support request.

The fact that experts don't hang out here is discouraging. If they don't, then is this only a place to whine?

iMac (27-inch, Late 2012)
OS X El Capitan 10.11.6 (15G31)

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What did MakeMusic say when you put in a support request?

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Hi, Mike.

I submitted my request just minutes ago (Monday, 19 September, 11:30a CDT).

I hope to hear from them eventually. When I do, I'll update this thread.

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I'm having this same issue and having to edit several PDF's I'm creating through Finale. Has there been any update on this? So annoying to have to go through each file name and delete the " - Score" from each file name. If anyone has figured out a temporary work-around I'd really appreciate it. I'm putting a holiday book of music together and have over 50 files that I need to make PDF's of...right now it's going to be a lot of extra work deleting that unwanted added text.

Thanks everyone!


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Strange - I just downloaded the latest version of Finale and I'm still getting the same issue every time I print as a PDF from the program. It still adds ' - Part 0' or ' - Score' to my file name automatically. Not sure why this is still happening if this got fixed in the update. Do I need to delete Finale and start from scratch? I'm feeling like downgrading to the 2014 version I think I had prior to this. It didn't have any of the issues I'm having right now.


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I think I had the same issue after downloading the update. At least on my computer it turned out that the older version of Finale didn't get replaced by the new version and because I usually launch Finale by double-clicking a Finale file it opened it in the older version. You should check if you have two Finale V25 in your applications folder.


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On the Mac, it appears that installing the new program does not update the shortcuts in Applications or in the Dock automatically; nor does it add new ones.

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>On the Mac, it appears that installing the new program does not update the shortcuts in Applications or in the Dock automatically; nor does it add new ones<


Yes. Especially since the two logos look so much alike, it would be nice if MakeMusic fixed that.


The new version will be called Finale while the previous one will be named Finale 2014.5. Drag the icon into the Dock and it will set a shortcut to the app.

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I've done the update, and the problem is still happening. I don't want to have to delete the word "Score" from every file I print to pdf. Sometimes, since I've never had to do it, I just go about my business, and all of a sudden, POOF! There it is! And I have to rename the file or multiple files. 

Please, fix this. 

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On the latest and greatest (25.3.etc), and this is still happening. It would be most excellent to be able to turn this off in preferences or something similar. I want to be able to name my files as I see fit without other verbal detritus, thanks!

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I have v25.3, and I have the same issue with appending " - Score" or other part names to my PDF files.  MakeMusic, please fix this!!! 

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While you are waiting for the fix, instead use the Graphics Tool:

Graphics menu > Export Pages…

In the dialog Export Pages, choose PDF.


Using the Graphics Tool instead of printing to PDF has two advantages:

1) You avoid the “color PDF” bug, and get a true Black-and White PDF file.

2) It is slightly faster than printing to PDF.

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Awesome! Thank you, Peter. Great tip!


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Is this bug going to be fixed? I have 25.5 and it still saves to pdf with SCORE in the name.

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Using the "Graphic" work around doesn't allow me to name the document. How do I do that?

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Using the "Graphic" work around doesn't allow me to name the document.


Yes it does. Just delete the word Score from the file name before you finish saving. If you still have problems, I can do a quick tutorial with screen shots (not possible on my iPad at the moment).

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Tom, I am using a MacBook Pro. Finale This is what I do to create a pdf without Score automatically being in the name of the file:

Click the Graphics Tool. Click Graphics at the top of the screen. Click Export Pages. The Export Pages box opens. Make sure the settings are like this example then Click OK.

Then, the Save PDF File box opens up. It looks like this:

Then, choose where to save the graphic pdf where you see the Desktop button. Or just Click Save at the bottom of the box and your graphic file will be saved on the Desktop.

Go to where you chose to save the file. 

Voila! There it is. No "Score" added to the end of the file!

Hope this helps.


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Actually, in this example, if you just clicked Save, the file would have been save in the Finale Files folder. Whatever folder is in the dropdown box is where your file will be saved.

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Thanks Bobby! That helps!!

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I have found that CutePDF, which is a free download, creates the file name automatically and also appends the part name when printing parts from the Print Dialog Box. It generates filenames automatically with Filename and Instrument Name. CutePDF might be your best option.

Also, if you use the Manage Parts Menu, you can Generate Parts, Edit Part, and in that mode, fix the little details in the part (while not affecting the score) and Export the File as a PDF. In other words, you go one part at a time, but you SEE each part in Print View individually and fix print issues as you export to PDF. 

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Keith Taylor,


1) Welcome to the forum!


2) This thread is about Mac Finale.

But you are using Windows Finale - right?

I suppose that CutePDF is “Windows only” - right?

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Hi Keith, to expand on Peter's remark, the handling of Printing and pdf export is one area where Mac and Windows are quite different in Finale 25 and 26.


MakeMusic has never explained why they changed that behavior on the Mac the way that they did.

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Oh, sorry about the confusion, and thanks for clarifying! I got here with a Google link, and didn't realize the subcategory. Good luck to all, a solution would be a great time-saver!

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Sorry I'm jumping into this discussion so late, but I'm currently using Finale 26.3 on an iMac and the problem still persists. The graphics workaround does work, however on my computer's monitor the files come out looking a lot worse than they do when I convert to PDF using the print command (not sure if that's a bug or not!). That makes me want to still use the print command for making PDFs. So my question is, since it seems that the people in charge of fixing Finale have decided not to fix this bug in v26, does anybody know if it has been corrected in v27? I looked at the main differences between 26 and 27 and feel like there's really no need for me to upgrade right now -- unless maybe this bug has been fixed.

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does anybody know if it has been corrected in v27? I looked at the main differences between 26 and 27 and feel like there's really no need for me to upgrade right now -- unless maybe this bug has been fixed.


Yes, the Print to PDF issues on the Mac were fixed in 27. In addition, you no longer have to know about the Summer Sale pricing for new licenses and upgrades—regular prices were lowered to match officially on September 1.

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Great! Thanks for the help, Mike!

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