New post

Only by finding there was a new Help Centre for Finale, did I wonder whether the same was true for the Garritan libraries.

Surely it would have made sense to post something on your own forum and, if you have any concern about the continued loyalty (and customer success) of the earlier purchasers of Garritan libraries, you might have informed the loyal Garritan community over at Northern Sounds.

Don't you think?

Kind regards

John Garside.

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Official comment



Thank you for the head’s up! This was, admittedly, an oversight on our part. When we went to post to our online forums we had some issues with admin privileges for posting the announcement properly and we failed to return to fix the issue.


We have now posted on the Garritan forums with the information announcing our new Help Center and are excited to have the community of Garritan users contribute to our new communities.


Thank you again for the reminder and we hope that these new center for sharing musical ideas, tips, tricks, and opinions will serve you well.

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