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I would like to have a checkbox in the Edit Ending dialog box "Break a multimeasure rest" checked by default.

The reason:
Unfortunately Finale is not able to extend repeat brackets across multiple bars in a 3+ bar ending automatically.
To do this manually in the parts of a 30 staves score is pretty annoying.
There is a – a bit less annoying – workaround by adding an ending in each bar and hiding the hook and the number, but this breaks a multimeasure rest.

Of course adjusting the length of the brackets automatically would be the more satisfying solution but the checkbox would help, too.

MacOS 14.3.1 Sonoma / Finale 27.4.1




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… There is a – a bit less annoying – workaround by adding an ending in each bar and hiding the hook and the number, but this breaks a multimeasure rest …


My own workaround may be a little easier:

Use the Smart Shape Tool to join the Repeat Ending Brackets with a horizontal Custom Line of the same Line Thickness as the Repeat Brackets.

You can use the Copy Filter to copy the Custom Line to all the other staves.

The line will automatically adjust across system breaks, and according to altered measure widths in all parts.

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Thank you for your response, Peter, this is a pretty nifty approach, but a smart line doesn't consider staff lists.

If I want to show/hide brackets in score and parts differently I have to unlink and hide the endings which requires also a lot of manual actions.

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