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 Maybe the program should have warned us old Vista users sooner than after we plunked down our $150.00 for this upgrade. I'm guessing you guys won't issue a refund. I'm not going to upgrade to a 64 bit windows (what would that be, Windows 10???) so guess I'm done updating my Finale program. You really should have been more specific about the version of Windows it could be downloaded to BEFORE allowing it to be purchased. I'd appreciate it if you guys would take the time to respond to this post directly to me at the email address below:


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Uh... Us guys are users like you, not MakeMusic. 

Windows 7 can be 64 bit if your hardware supports it. 

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Hi Richard,

We do offer a 30-day refund policy, so we can certainly help you out with a refund if your machine doesn't meet the minimum specs for Finale v25. Thanks!

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Vista has a 64bit version - it has been available since Vista first came out.

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Richard, before you take advantage of MakeMusic's refund offer, can I just say that you  at least think about updating to a Windows 7 64bit system. I  updated to Windows 10 shortly before Finale 25 became available, and the difference in operating speed between Finale 14.5 and Finale 25 are major!

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Hi Richard.


If you're unwilling to, or are not able to, upgrade your system to Windows 10, you could possibly look at getting a 64bit version of Vista

There are still retail packs available. Do a search on ebay, or talk to a computer supplier.

Doing so would also require that you look for 64bit versions of device drivers for things like sound cards and any other peripherals that you have.

Display drivers and drivers for major onboard devices like network and chipsets will be easy enough.



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Not to mention that Finale 25 works only on x64 processors is downright deceptive and dishonest advertising.  I'm not going to buy a new computer just to run this program.

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Make Music was quite upfront about that. I knew about 64bit requirements for a Windows before upgrading and I'm a Mac user.


More believable is that you didn't do your homework and read the advanced copy that MakeMusic posted and emailed. Since there's a 30 day refund window, your remarks are way off base.

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