New post

Since far too often posters fail to distinguish between a Feature Request and a How-To Question, perhaps you should direct everyone to the General Questions board and then add a link at the top (like the submit-a-request link) to reach this Feature Request forum.

That ought to make things easier for MM reps assigned to monitor new feature requests, get more timely help to posters with how-to questions, and help alleviate frustration in those who look to this board to see Feature requests.


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Official comment


We continue to improve this community page. As you may have noticed, I've started answering every post and providing some prioritization to our Finale roadmap. Thank you for your feedback, your dedication, and your patience.

Michael Johnson
VP, Professional Notation

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Hey Guys,

I wanted to jump in and acknowledge this - Based on how these requests are sorted it's too easy for the most up-voted features to lose visibility. I'm going to look into what we might be able to do to make this a more effective tool for you. Thanks!

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Basically, I would support your suggestion.

On the other hand, it doesn't look like MM is really interested in this feature request forum. Looks like someone tried out a good idea, but doesn't have time to moderate this forum, moving off topic postings away and thus keeping the forum's focus really on feature requests. The new forums have been loudly announced in the old forums, and now, a few days later, important and good feature requests can hardly be found, because they're hidden under lots of off topic stuff. Sad...



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There are a lot of other ways this forum could be easier to navigate, but I'll quit while I'm ahead unless asked.

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Three things (at the very least) could help the apparent confusion over the sections of this Help Center:

1) Retitle the "General Discussion" section "Problems and Questions" or something similar to make it clear you go here if you have a problem.

2) Move the "Feature request"  down on the page so it is below the "General Discussion" link.  I assume most people who have posted wrongly to the Feature Request board (approximately 50% of the entries, it seems) click on this because it's at the top.

3) Retitle "Feature Request" as "What else would you like Finale to do?"  I could see someone thinking that a feature request might include a request as to how a feature is supposed to work.

My $2

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I see that parts of what I previously wrote about are already implemented.  Good.  Actually (ironically) I am always coming to this new forum by way of the sticky tab at the top of the old forum.  It's the old forum that has the Features link above the General Dicussion.  Still, more obvious titling of the sections may help, particularly for non-native English speakers.

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