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I am using Finale 2014 an I've exported as audio files a multitude of times before. Now, suddenly, it doesn't work! It goes through the motions but the audio file is nowhere to be found! I've tried different locations! And I have restarted my computer. I use Mac 10.10.5


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No, as I said, I can't save it anywhere! It disappears. The other day, I made an audio file out of an arrangement for string quartet. I had to try four or five times before it appeared on the desktop. So today I thought perhaps I only had to do it  over again until I got it, but no! I restarted the computer, I tried doing it on my husband's computer... It's not that big a file, two and a half minutes of music, seven or eight staves...

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Hi Maria


You might need to contact support. Scroll up to the top of this page and click on "Submit a request" (It's next to your username)

Unfortunately it's the long weekend there (if you're not in the USA), so you won't get a reply for a couple of days.




Daz :o)

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Look what i found:

There is a known issue exporting audio on Finale 2014 for Mac. When playing Finale through Audio Units, you cannot export an audio file if the file name contains special characters such as accented letters (such as É and ü). These characters commonly appear in pieces with titles that are in a language other than English.


And it worked! We hoo!

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Hi Maria


Excellent work. Where did you find that?

There is another user who suffered a similar issue. I wonder if his problem is the same.




Daz :o)


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New problem, I've imported the file into Logic but after mastering it sounds sparky and crackeled here and there... if you know what I mean. The reason why I made the piece in Finale to begin with is that there are no ready made loops in 3/4 time! Who are these morons?? You can play around with all these sounds and genres as long as you keep to 4/4... so disappointed.

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Hi Maria


Have you checked the levels in the mixer and/or VST instrument view to see if there is clipping?

If that's not it, is the piece intensive? I mean are there a *lot* of instruments playing at the same time?

If you do have a lot of things going on in there, you might need to consider exporting into two audio files, one using half of the instruments and one using the other half. Then 'mux' the files together in logic or other Audio capable DAW.




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Thanks, I will try that!

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You might also check the driver and buffer size(s) you are using (MIDI > Audio Settings) and compare them to what Logic is using.

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It's OK now, I made the project into four parts and now it sounds fine... although the drum sounds are rubbish in Finale/Garritan - but never mind, I'm happy, thanks a lot!

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If you want some nice sounding drums

Sennheiser is giving away a free kit. Standard kit, no 'toys'. But multiple mic positions. It's essentially a promo for some of their microphones. You need to register to get to the download link and a serial number.

The site is in German, but it's reasonably easy.. Just copy and paste into Google translate 


Be warned. It's big - 4Gb, and a memory hog. But for a freebie it's good.




Daz :o)

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