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Windows 10, Finale

There is a mention of a Small Caps option in a much longer thread about fractional point sizes via OpenType.

I'm agnostic on the decimal sizes, but I could really use a Small Caps option (or effect), and not just for OpenType fonts but all alpha fonts (e.g., TrueType).  I would use it regularly in text boxes for title pages and headings.  And it should be implemented as a check-box (like, for example, how strikeout and hidden are implemented), so it can be used independent of other styles (bold, italic, etc.).


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Get a small caps font. If you wait for Finale to implement it, you’ll most likely be waiting a long, long time.

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I do have (exactly) one … don’t particularly care for its typeface.  To this point, my preference is to find the font I want, enter the text entirely in caps, then put the first-letter size bigger than the other letters.  “Poor man’s ‘small caps’”.

I put the request in notwithstanding the history on the subject … “you miss 100% of the shots you don’t take”.


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That’s true. But in any case, you can fake it with any font you like. A macro in something like Keyboard Maestro could even make it quicker.

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There are font styles that are all caps but hitting the Shift key makes a letter larger. These are known as "Title Case" or "Initial Caps." Some serif fonts that offer this style include Adobe Caslon, Baskerville, and Georgia. These would be the full versions, not necessarily the ones that are installed with Windows, macOS, Word or Acrobat.


Google is your friend for finding free or royalty-free versions of these and others.

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