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How do you use Tempo Tap in Studio View?
 in Studio View?


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Select the MIDI Tool and then go up into the menu "MIDI Tool > Tempo." Then, as you've already done in your screen shot, make sure that the tempo tap staff is set to record. And just to be sure, select the HyperScribe Tool and then go into the menu "HyperScribe > Beat Source > Tap" and then press "OK." At this point, if you're in studio view and have your playback window open, just press record. It will start playing back once you hit the spacebar and record the tempos through tapping the spacebar. Hope that helps, let me know if you need any clarity!

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Thank you CJ Garcia,  For some reason I thought that this Tempo Tap has something to do with having a metronome click, but it's not. 

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"At this point, if you're in studio view and have your playback window open, just press record. It will start playing back.."

No it won't the music just sits there - pressing the space bar engages playback, hitting the space bar again just stops the playback - no tempo is indicated nor adjusted. What could be wrong?

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Hello Adrian,


Thank you for your assistance.


Cute response, I did read the manual, the very page you directed me to.


THAT is what made me fail! There are several elements missing from the description.


  • Step #2 is apparently negated as there are already rhythmic durations notated in the tempo tap staff – so, are they overwritten? By speedy or simple entry? If overwritten, why can’t they simply be overwritten by the performed inputted tempo tap?

  • Step #4 states “click the measure in the Tempo Tap staff” – doing this engages the batching before playback, and then playback– it elicits NO metronome sound or “tap”

  • Step #4 continues “the first beat you tap is the signal to start recording” Tap what? What and where can I click in order to start a tempo, but NOT the playback batching?

  • Step #5 is the same situation as #4 – hitting the space bar simply engages the playback – re-hitting space bar stops the performance, it does not elicit a tempo of any sorts

  • Step #6 has no bearing, as the above descriptions failed – is one supposed to click on an instrument staff (instead of the tempo tap line)? Is there a specific gesture that guarantees consistent results?

  • My last question went completely unaddressed – clicking on the “Edit” button on the tempo tap staff brings up a MIDI edit page of sorts – what is the purpose of this page? It is completely unaddressable – I cannot change anything on this page; is it strictly for viewing?




Thank you again, please advise.




Dana Collins


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To alter the tempo, you need to use Hyperscribe and click on a record-enabled Tempo Track (not one of the instruments).

Before starting, you can use Simple Entry tools to subdivide the beat to help you manage tempo changes. Hope this and the illustration will help you interpret the Manual's instructions.


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