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Please add a feature that allows a user to select a certain bar, and then press the Space bar, so playback starts at the selected Bar, not the first bar.

Or, at least add a right-click shortcut after selecting a bar, and allow the user to start playback at the selected bar that way.

Having to constantly go into the Playback Controls panel to type in a measure to start playback at is clunky and slow.



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Official comment


Hi All:

These are all fine suggestions and we've fixed some defects as it relates to playback in 25.2. We do have improvements to playback controls on our roadmap. (FIN-3976 is one example).

Michael Johnson
VP, Professional Notation

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Though this isn't exactly what you're looking for, one thing that may help is if you expand the Playback Control window, you can select to have playback start at the "Leftmost Measure." This has helped immensely and works especially well in Scroll view, but again, doesn't address your specific issue...

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That would help, if I used scroll view.

I use page view.


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It works in all views, I use page view the most and still have it on, it just works especially well in Scroll because you can see the measure numbers on the left even if you have them hidden or off.
But yes, I do think a right click (control + click) > Play button would be EXTREMELY helpful.

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It does not work in Page View, Finale 25 trial.

I select measure 32, for example, press the Space bar, and it starts playing at bar 1.


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I agree with the need for an easy way to get playback from a selected point.  I have resorted to using the playback control with measure number. It is cumbersome to have to keep typing in the measure number.  The left measure option with the playback control, requires a lot of scrolling before playing.  The Space-Click option is handy, but it doesn't use the dynamics in the parts, it uses the last dynamics that were played by the playback control.  So, related to the request for an easy way to playback, is the implicit request for the playback to incorporate the dynamics, not just the pitches so we can tell something about balance.

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What is the "Space Click" option?


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to start playback at a given measure, hold down the space bar and left click the measure. Playback uses the last dynamic encountered using the playback control, so you won't hear dynamic changes and the balance may be off.  You can use the playback control to get the dynamics, then space-click to check notes or rhythms.  You have to use studio view if you want to audition a part or two, or mute a part ore two. Hope that helps. 

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This does not work.

One of several things happens:

- Finale starts at the first bar

- Finale freezes

- My mouse disappears (and I have to force quit finale)

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This note is not exactly a feature request, but it relates to a question and how the current PLAYBACK feature works, and suggest for trouble shooting.  I hope it helps.  

There is a pretty good description of ways to playback (audition) at the following location in Finale Help.

If something doesn't work, I suggest you create a short example score of 5 measures, document the problems with text and screen images if possible saved to a document file.  Then send both the document and the Finale file to tech support.  Within a few days they usually have a fix, a work around, or tell you to live with it. 


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Mr. Johnson,

So, does your comment mean that you will - soon - be implementing a simple Right-Click>Start Playback option?

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Hi Paul:
I'm not willing to publicly commit to a time frame for specific functionality, but yes, improvements to how playback can be started is high on our list.


Michael Johnson

VP, Professional Notation


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I am totally shocked at the clunkiness of location in this software. I need to highlight a few measures, hit play and hear it. And be able to loop the selection as well.

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Duly noted Bob. 


Michael Johnson

VP, Professional Notation


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Hi Mr Johnson,

We are now well into 2018 , have version up to date, and still no way to easily playback a range of selected measures without having to type it so annoying ... come on, move, let's stop talking about it  and do something Finale ! PLEASE !!!!!

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Have there been any improvements to playback location in the last two years, since the RFE was accepted by Finale VP?


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Michael Williams:

I have to ask... what does "since the RFE was accepted by Finale VP?" actually mean?   RFE?  Finale VP?

Sorry if it's obvious, but I'm lost on this one...

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RFE is Request FOr Enhancement. In the computer world, that is a well known TLA.

VP stands for Vice President.

You will see that Michael Johnson commenting on this thread is VP for Professional Notation

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I’m familiar with RFQ, and RFI. Never heard of RFE, though.


But to answer your question, Michael, no. It seems that many of these requests are appreciated, logged, slated for development, and never seen again.


On top of that, Michael Johnson, who was appreciative of our comments, and (at least) gave us hope that somebody was listening, is no longer with the company.


Which is why so many of us are less than overwhelmed by the teasers for F26.

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Still waiting to be able to play back from where I need to. Many users have requested this, since time immemorial.

A few posts up, you can read "improvements to how playback can be started is high on our list."

That was 2 years ago!!!

Conclusion? Either users' needs/requests are egregiously ignored, or MM is unable to implement the most elementary function of ANY player, namely PLAY  and STOP. (The spacebar-click option is a joke, feels like programmed by a 7-year-old.)

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Was that fixed?!

Actually I'm shocked how playback works in Finale! It's extremely frustrating to go to the input text field and insert the measure number every single time I do a tiny change! 

I wouldn't really count this as a low priority enhancement. I would put it on the highest levels of priorities, for me it's a bug if you care about UX, customers satisfaction, etc...

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No change has been made. One can still type in the target starting measure, pre-select the option to start from leftmost measure shown, or always start playback at a given measure.



I would not expect this to change. Dorico has a different solution, but it is not a perfect program either. A perfect program for everyone does not exist.

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Let's go MM think out of the box! Come up with something new. A short hand, what ever. I also feel sometimes frustrated with the playback option. Even I do use start at measure and leftmost measure. We need something better. Always need to go into the menu to change. I was thinking in this direction,maybe, a bar with the three option as icons. That you can directly as you choose the option comes out a drop down menu to put in the variable. I wish Finale should stay ahead of the curve.

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And, Michael Johnson, the VP who was most responsive (even if nothing ever changed) is no longer with the company.

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And the issues Michael was tracking do not seem to have been realized, nor do they seem to be alive for the future.

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In other words, feature requests and bug reports swirl into the black hole of neglect.

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If this is true, what do the official's at MM think that the costumers will stay with them. The field is open, the competition is catching up .

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Honestly, it's simply unbeliavable that Finale does not have still a quick way to start playback from a specific bar. Still reading about it and wating for this function to work... 

Although I use Cubase Pro 10 and its score module is quite powerful, I've given a new try to Finale updating it from v. 2007. Incredibly this function has not been implemented yet!?

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I’m using finale 26. They did implement it I think from 25 onwards... I might be mistaken, but on v26, just press the bar key where you want finale to start the playback. The only draw back is that it won’t play the articulations and expressions well. But it does the trick to check on your composition etc.

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