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I am having an issue with the new Finale v25.  In my main score I have tremolo notes in a woodwind part.  When I go to the parts page I get the following:



The stems are the problem.  They should be whole note tremolos (as you can see the note heads are whole notes). I tried to remove the stems but they will not go away.  In other parts this is not an issue (ex. Strings)  Does anybody have any suggestions or is this a BUG.




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Did you enter the notes the same way in all parts?  The easiest is to enter them as two half notes and then apply the plugin: TG Tools>Easy Tremolos...

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Apparently, TG Tools will not allow you to notate tremolo whole notes in 4/4. It has always been this way, and apparently is an old-fashioned notation convention to notate whole note tremolos as two half-note tremolos instead. I wrote him and asked about it and he confirmed that it was in the design and not likely to change.

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Yes, the entering of the notes was done that way, however in a few of the parts the whole note tremolos came out this way.  It is the strangest thing.  I can't edit the stems out either.  I've tried using special tools, hiding the stems, etc.  Nothing works

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I ended up writing trills because they happened to work out that way for me, but if the distance is larger than a whole-tone then that won't do in the future.

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In a case like that, I would use two sets of (beamed) half notes under a single slur, rather than struggle with eliminated stubborn unwanted stems.

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