I am using Finale 2014.5 and Mac OSX 10.11.
I know how to use the tuplet tool and it is working fine sometimes, but not always. To keep it simple, lets say I am in 4/4 time and I want each minim (1/2 note) to have quaver (8th) septuplets. This would work fine for the first half of the bar and I would get 6 in place of four. But if i do the exact same thing for the second minim (1/2) Finale would only let me enter 5 quavers (8th) and, say,one semiquaver (16th). This doesn't make any sense to me but I am new to Finale!! and ( sorry, but unless I'm missing something stupidly obvious) it really does make you wonder who designed this programme.
Any help would be great
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