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Hi I'm using Finale v26 on Windows 11. I was pleased to discover that I can incorporate an audio track in studio view along with the score but I've noticed that whenever I play the music not starting from the beginning of the score the audio track gets displaced and loses sync with the score. Very frustrating. Any cure? What's the reason for this bug?

I haven't been answered so I'm trying to get your attention again.

Perhaps it got lost...


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It's not really a bug. Many of the commands that Finale uses are changes to settings and, without the initial setting, Finale doesn't know what to change.


Variations of this complaint have been around since MIDI first became popular in the late 1980s *Finale has been around since 1989). For Finale to do otherwise, it would require real time scene updates—and some DAWs do have that—but that feature needs to be added.


None of us who post here can move this to Feature Requests where it belongs. I will certainly upvote it if you post there. 

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Not sure Mike that I understand.

But it sounds like hopeless...

I mean, they have a feature called "add audio track" and the track gets added.

It's just that after that it doesn't remain in sync unless playback commences right from the start.

And it's hard to work on a score like that.

Personally I call that a bug :))

Btw, any alternative ideas as to how to work with a Finale score plus audio?

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