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Im using Finale 2014.5 and all of a sudden the tempo markings and the dynamics are not working.....and it zooms through the score, and then will stick on a note, and it's impossible to stop it, except to exit the program.  This is driving me crazy!  what id I do, and why would it begin to do this all of a sudden.  My OS is El Capitan, on my Mac book Air.

will be so grateful if anyone can help me! 



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Sounds as if you may have a stuck key.

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I just purchased Finale 2014 Print Music and dynamics do not function correctly. ONLY 1 dynamic is recognized in any given measure of the score. For example, measure 5 of instrument 1 changes from piano to forte. Suddenly ALL measure/instruments are now forte, even though they are specifically marked pianissimo.


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I am not a PrintMusic expert, but your results do not sound like what should happen. 

  1. Is it the sound of all instruments that is all forte?
  2. Do forte dynamic marks appear in every part?


If your answer is #1: Are you playing all instruments back through the same MIDI channel? You need to check your MIDI channel selections (does PrintMusic have a Score Manager?)


If your answer is #2, you would likely be using the wrong Score List for the expression, which would apply the dynamic to all instruments listed in the Score List. Since I doubt PrintMusic gives you access to define or redefine expressions, I suspect your problem is #1.


By the way, what computer and operating system are you using? That might make a difference to someone more knowledgeable in PrintMusic than I.

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ah, the problem is setting the Playback through VST rather than MIDI

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Windows 7

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Were you able to solve your problem?

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by checking "Playback through VST" (rather than MIDI), the dynamics played back as they were notated. This seemed to be the answer. However, I have been composing since and the problem returned starting at the 16th measure. I did not do anything differently regarding dynamics notated and the Playback is still through VST. So I don't understand why this problem would change.

Also, sometimes I open up the file and for reasons I do not understand, the software only plays back as a Piano - rather than saxophones. Nothing was changed to the score the last time it was saved other than the composition/notation. '

All instruments for my score are assigned to their proper Midi Channel i.e. Soprano Sax is 4, Alto Sax is 1. These MIDI assignments have never been a problem regarding dynamics in my experience with previous Make Music software: Allegro 2005. Unlike Allegro 2005, Print Music 2014 does not give the option to assign a Dynamic to a "Measure" or a "Note". In Allegro 2005; a Dynamic assigned to a Measure is linked to ALL instruments of that score.and a Dynamic assigned to a Note is linked ONLY to that single instrument...

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You should probably contact MM directly using the "Submit a request" link at the top of the page, since that will allow you to send them the file in question.

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It is me again, Adrian,

This time, I just can't set a new tempo marking for more than one measure.

I found out that following the exact process described in the tutorial 6 about setting a tempo marking in a new file, the thing goes just fine. But when a try the same process with a converted file from an ancient version of Finale (2001), I have this issue : the new setting is only good for one measure, and then returns to the previous tempo. In this manner, I must do all the piece measure by measure, or copy all the music into a new file.

Would you happen to have a brighter solution.


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You are using the “full Finale” (not one of its smaller siblings) - right?

And you are using the Mac version - right?


From your description it sounds like there are Tempo Changes in the document’s MIDI data.

As a first step I would clear the Tempo Changes:

Selection Tool. Select All.

Edit menu > Clear Selected Items…

In the dialog box Clear Selected Items, de-select everything except Tempo Changes.

Click OK.

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Although I would likely first try Peter's method, another approach to try would be to export your file as an XML and then import it into a new file. That can sometimes clear out the unseen dross that lurks behind the written notation.

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Thank you, Peter and Adrian,

I guess I was doing this the other way around (quite the opposite) : selecting everything except Tempo Changes. Well...


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