My students are writing music to an animation created by the animation classes and they opened the movie window and three of the movie windows out of a lab or 16 disappeared. How do I get them back?

2014 is still supported. You might want to call MM Support on this.
Update: 2014/2.14.5 on the Mac is no longer supported in OS 10.13 High Sierra as far as I know.
My own testing shows that, if already installed and the OS is upgraded to 10.13, it works the same as in Sierra (some functionality is limited). I am guessing that a fresh install is no longer possible but I've not tested this for myself.
MM (MakeMusic) is the company that makes Finale.
Rewire is a feature new to Finale 25 that makes it possible to link Finale in certain (so far, limited) ways to a DAW.
Another blog entry (well in advance of the release of Finale 25) makes clear that the Movie Window (subject of numerous complaints in the past) would not be included in version 25.
Calling people idiots is not productive.
I'm in the same boat, David Cabera. W/o the movie window, Finale is virtually useless for a film composer. The "Rewire" crap is convoluted and doesn't actually work. MM (MakeMusic) *used to* advertise itself as the notation app for Hollywood, and it was. But with the movie window gone, all future updates are doorstops in this town (Hollywood). It is the single stupidest thing a company ever did since the Tramels ran Atari into the ground. So it's "stay on 2014.5" until it dies and then buy Sibelius which I hate). I've been featured at least twice as a Finale artist and each time it was because i was scoring a film with Finale. Once for the Olympics and once for the Chicago Symphony. I am as much a fanboy as anyone, but if I can't score to picture, the app is useless.
Truly, the dumbest decision ever.
Working without the movie window is beyond unproductive. It's a work stopper. I have to agree. Whoever is responsible for removing the feature is not just an idiot, they are a stupid idiot. I have additional adjectives that may be inserted between those two words. If you block my ability to work, there is no word harsh enough to describe you.
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