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As it stands, when adding a text box, we must open and close the drop-down menu for every single attribute we want to assign to the text (as follows):

Open open drop-down menu>choose Font (menu closes)
Open drop-down menu>choose Size (menu closes)
Open drop-down menu>choose style>Italic (menu closes)
Open drop-down menu>choose style>Bold (menu closes)

And so on, ad infinitum, for Alignment, Justification, etc. Why not develop a TEXT PALETTE with all of those attribute options visible at all times (similar to the one just above this window as I type this)?

Or even a pop-up window with all the text attributes listed in one place where we can simply tick boxes? It would be a tremendous time-saver for me, as I imagine it would be for many arrangers and copyists.

What does the tribe think?

Chuck McCollum

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Rather than going to the text menu multiple times, choose the character settings command. That will give you font, size, and style all in one window.

Having said that, I agree: text and lyrics functions could certainly use consolidation.

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