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Hi. i wonder, now when Finale has discontinued, will I be able to download and install it in the future? Like if I get a new computer will I be able to download and install it, or will it only work on the computers I currently have it installed??  

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The answer was different a few hours ago. This just in:


Clarifications on the initial announcement

  1.  Finale authorization will remain available indefinitely: Please note that future OS changes can still impact your ability to use Finale on new devices. 
  2. Finale v27 to be included with Dorico Pro Crossgrades: We are currently working on a solution for all customers who have purchased or intend to purchase a Dorico Pro crossgrade to be able to download Finale v27. This will ensure that you can export your Finale files using MusicXML 4.0, the most robust version of MusicXML available. Thank you for your patience, we will provide more information soon.
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