THANK YOU, THANK YOU! ...for allowing activation in the future for valid registered users for FINALE. (That appears to be your latest updated position).
I've been a loyal user since version 1.0 - PLEASE do this with ARIA also. I have Orchestra 5 and love it. The 9' Steinway alone is worth the package to me (as a pianist). It is the best I've heard. Continuing activation for this would complete my operational status for some time to come.
Your earlier statement sounded like when many people finally upgrade to Windows 11, say next September or early October, they would have lost Finale/Garritan forever due to having a new OS after finale had sunset-ed just the month before. It would have cut off a majority of Finale users right then. And some of us have recently paid for the latest update.
I may still go slowly to Doreco. But at least I won't have to go back and translate hundreds and hundreds of Finale to MusicXML (which still may not work well importing into Doreco).
Anyway, yes, please allow registration on new computers for registered users, AND/OR when anyone goes to windows 11 next year. THANKS!
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