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Now that Finale is discontinued and MakeMusic is helping users move to Dorico, there are two long-standing issues that badly need to be addressed with the VST3 version of ARIA player because they make it much more awkward than it needs to be to use ARIA in Dorico.

  1. If you send a Dorico file between MacOS and Windows where they use the VST3 version of ARIA, the instruments won't be retained and so the setup has to be done again.
  2. The VST3 plugin lacks multi-out capability

The first issue is more critical if MakeMusic is serious about helping Finale users migrate to Dorico, but both should be fixed. Using the VST2 version of ARIA works around these issues but it is more awkward for Dorico users because they have to whitelist the plugin (and on MacOS, make sure they are running it in Rosetta), and if their computer skills aren't strong, that becomes very awkward for them. The VST3 version needs to be fixed. It has been sitting there since 2019 with seemingly nothing happening.

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The main issue is the mismatch of version numbers for ARIA between Mac  (2.039) and Windows (1.967). Files saved on a Mac with VST data cannot be loaded on Windows, as ARIA complains that the data is "too new".

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