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My laptop's SSD died, I had it replaced, downloaded Finale 27 and went to de-authorize online...and it won't let me. Both versions are tied up on this very laptop - one when it was Windows 10, the other when I upgraded to Windows 11 - but that was on the old SSD. I filled out a ticket but wondered if anyone else has run into this.

It scares me to death that I can't do anything right now. Any advice?

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I'll assume that you have this sorted out after filling out a support ticket.


For others: If it is the same CPU, you shouldn't have to de-authorize first. Finale should not see a conflict as long as the new drive is in the same PCI slot as the old. In the old days of PC and Mac towers with multiple drive slots, moving a drive from one to another could trigger a conflict but I haven't seen that in years. Even installing onto an external drive doesn't trigger a conflict anymore.

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