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My finale is 25v, and I'm using mac studio 2022'.

Like these pictures. The second picture is when I click the speedy tool, it appears the note.

Only two measures are like the first picture. Back and forth of the two measures, rest of all the measures are all appeared normally.

Besides, when I convert to pdf file, it doesn't appears the notes of the two measures at all.

How can I do? Thank you in advance.


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It looks like a hidden note. You may have a blank notation staff style? When you click the measure with the staff tool, do you get something like this? (That one is "blank notation layer 1".) If so, right click and clear staff style.

Another possibility is you have identical notes on separate layers and depending on your layer preferences, Finale will hide layer 1, which is obscuring an identical note on another layer. Try deleting that note...does a note on layer two, three, or four appear?

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Something to try:


Staff Tool.

Staff menu > Show Staff Styles (select this)

Staff menu > Show Staff Style Names (select this)

You can safely select both menu items, and keep them selected all the time.

Finale will only show Staff Styles and Staff Style Names when you are in the Staff Tool.

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Thank you so much for Mr. Maurand and Mr. Thomsen.
I appreciate your help.

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