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awfully quiet here lately .... is this Forum still active? I guess most people have run scared to Dorico (which I've had since day one but have no intention to really use any time soon ...)
so, installing a second version of Finale 27.4.110 on an identical 2nd computer, I am experiencing this SMuFL problem that all my files (Default Music Font being Maestro Regular/plain 24) appear strange (f.ex.stems and ties displaced etc.). I can (fairly ...) easily fix it by changing the default music font to whats now called Finale Maestro , but that seems to be Document specific and I have to do it for every file.
I seem to remember, when I originally upgraded to Fin27, that there was some warning during the installation about using (or not?) SMMuFL fonts, and by not accepting this, everything would work as before with old files.
I re-installed a couple oftime now, but that never comes up.
Any ideas? Thanks.


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Not sure I ran scared to Dorico, but whatever. 

If the installation is only seeing SMuFL fonts (ie, Finale Maestro being one example, rather than Maestro) on your system, then you will get some weird glyphs unless and until you switch the music font to Finale Maestro (SMuFL).

Ever since I started using SMuFL, the first system of any such score will be entirely blank unless I zoom in (and then the notes miraculously reappear). This is a longstanding bug on my system that MM never could address and is just one more reason why I gave up on Finale once they gave up on us long-time and/or existing users by ceasing development. 

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I don't get weird glyphs or anythng like that, the notes are all there, albeit in the apparently different SMuFL font, and ties, beams, stems, etc. are messed up. Like I said, if I change the font all is well, but I have to do it for evry (old) file.

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Thanks. I have resolved it. I had un-installed an earlier version of Finale, but eventually I noticed that there were still all kinds of files left (in the Roaming App Data sections). Once I deleted these and then re-installed Finale, everything worked again.

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Finale 26 & 25 were notorious for leaving a lot of conflicting crap in the system. Manually deleting everything per a Support email I received solved a lot of problems. I don’t have those instructions handy at the moment but can find them if people need.

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Like I said, I deleted everything I could find, and then there was no longer a problem once I had re-installed Finale 27. But if you can find these instructions, it might be interesting to see and have them in case that needs to be done again some day. No hurry ...

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if you can find these instructions, it might be interesting to see and have them in case that needs to be done again some day.


Here you go. When I had this problem, it was with the 26 Installer installing certain necessary files into the 25 folders. I had to remove 26 and 25 completely before reinstalling 26 and fixing my problems. I have updated the email to include 25. Note that the "Finale" folder in step 6 refers to 25.


TO REMOVE 27, 26 AND 25 — Mac 


You will need to be logged into an account that has administrative rights to complete these steps.


  1. Close any open programs. This web browser can remain open.
  2. In the Finder program toolbar, chose Go > Go To Folder
  3. In the Go To Folder field type:

/Library/Application Support/MakeMusic

  1. Press RETURN.
  2. Delete the "Finale" "Finale 26" or "Finale v27" folder from the "MakeMusic" folder in the window that appears. Then close the window.
  3. Reopen the Go To Folder dialog box (Go > Go To Folder).
  4. Type in...

~/Library/Application Support/MakeMusic

  1. Make sure that the tilde symbol (~) is included in the directory depicted above; press RETURN.
  2. Delete the "Finale" "Finale 26" or "Finale 27" folder from the folder window that appears.
  3. Open the Go To Folder window again (Go > Go To Folder).
  4. Type in...


  1. Make sure that the tilde symbol (~) is included in the directory depicted above; press RETURN.
  2. Locate the file called "com.makemusic.finale[26 or 27].fprf" and "com.makemusic.finale[26 or 27].plist and move these to the Trash.
  3. Open your computer's Applications folder (Go > Applications).
  4. Locate the "Finale" application and move it to the Trash.
  5. CTRL+click the Trash icon in the Dock and select Empty Trash.
  6. Restart your computer.


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