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Hi everybody. I have recently approached the world of orchestration and I am beginning to write some orchestral scores using Finale and GPO 5. I'd like to write an orchestral score that includes at least two sections of violins, viola, cello, double bass and brass. Do you advise me to use the sounds already present (es. Violins 1 KS, Violins 2 KS etc.) or to personalize the score through the Ensemble building process? In this case, how do you proceed? On the old GPO4 handbook there was talk of tutorials about the ensemble building on the Garritan site, but it seems they are no longer available ...

Finale 25, Windows 10, GPO5.


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IMO, don't bother with ensemble building. It works better in a DAW than Finale. In Finale if you want to use ensemble building,  and you want a 12 player violin 1 section for instance, you would need to create 12 separate violin staves and use the midi tool extensively to add variation to the different midi CC's being used.  I believe you're better off using the existing string sections.

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Thanks Jeffrey, in fact I'm finding myself better using the sounds already present, but such is the amount of information that often confuses the less experienced users. I find it strange that there is no manual of Final 25 in pdf, I personally would find the consultation more convenient.

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