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Hi There,

I'll admit, this isn't a top priority for me but is something that would speed up workflow and quality.

This request is two fold.

Firstly, the current spacing of measures often has it so the very last system has fewer measures than all the rest. Sometimes only one. With good engraving, each system should look like it has roughly the same amount of information. Now, you can do this manually by either Utilities > Fit Measures or changing the reference width. But if the music was automatically spaced such that the last system would have roughly the same amount of information, that would be great!

Secondly, in the parts (and scores), there should be roughly an equal number of systems on each page and the systems should be spaced out such that they span the full page. Again, this can be done manually using Page Layout > Space Systems Evenly, but doing this automatically would save lots of time.

Given that most of the work functionality is already built into Finale, I don't think it would be too difficult to add this in. Especially because the complexity of the task is so low (especially compared to articulation collision avoidance). Correct me if I'm wrong.

Thanks for your time reading this,



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