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 As a user of Finale since version 1 in Windows and now a user on both Mac and PC, I find it absurd that MakeMusic hasn't addressed the issue of sorting Text Expressions.  It is a mess.  I have 300 expressions.  How about a sort feature MakeMusic?  Simple database plugin?  Link to any relational database that can sort in an alpha-numeric order.  You guys....this feature is in the dark ages.  

We don't need any more bells and whistles.  We need to be able to sort the expressions for easier use when composing. 


Thank you 

Randy Klein

Award winning Composer, Pianist, Author, Educator


Date Votes

You can organize expressions in expression categories - including custom categories created by {duplicating and editing an already existing category}.

But you probably already knew that.


As Finale works now, you can sort text expressions “manually”, one by one.

If I understand you correctly, you are requesting the option of a {sort in an alpha-numeric order} command, right?

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Correct.  A simple click and all of the expressions would be sorted alpha-numerically.

Another annoying fact about expressions is that they are attached to a document.  So, if you have a new piece and add an expression, any older document does not have this expression available.  This is most annoying.  Yes, you can SAVE a library each time, but a document is stuck with the older library that is attached.  Hence, there are numerous versions of the expression library, each attached to a document.

My suggestion has been and has been for years that the expression library should be a separate entity.  This would allow a composer to have the library always up to date.  Attaching to a document has confused the issue for years.  We composers never know what library we are working with.  And, if you bring in the most current library into an older document Expressions are simply added in as additional expressions causing even more confusion due to the doubling of the Expressions already in the document.  

Please fix this MakeMusic.  It is long due.

Thank you,

Randy Klein

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Text expression alpha/numeric sorting is a great idea... currently no fun endlessly scrolling to find something buried in a large list.

1. Sort the categories - I've always wondered why those weren't already sorted, or at least movable.
2. Sort within each category
3. Sort within the currently highlighted/selected group of expressions - a sub-set of expressions in any category.

Also - on a Mac, it is possible to shift-click consecutive expressions and command-click non-consecutive expressions to create a highlighted group to then move them to a different category or do any of the other actions the lower row of buttons allows. They don't need to be moved one at a time. Not a great work-around, but it can save a little time when organizing all of your expressions.

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Your comments are correct.  This issue has been brought up for years and MakeMusic ignores it.  They recommend a third party plug to address the issue of TEXT Expressions rather than incorporating it into the program.  

Sorting alpha-numeric entries is computer basics 101.  Get with it MakeMusic.  This is tired.


Randy Klein

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Third party plugin?  which one?

Are you referring to the TGTools - Miscellaneous - Text Expression Sorter 3.00rc3?

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TG Tools 

I'm not sure if it works with Finale 25 or not?  If you try it, please let me know.




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Yep - it appears to function as intended in Finale 25.

That said - it's not a perfect solution - as it sorts the content of all categories at once. There doesn't appear to be any options for selecting a single category, while leaving the others untouched...

There are a few options and settings though... give it a try.

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Regarding multiple documents and Expressions:


Personally, I like the way Finale handles this. It's designed to work with template files (at least by my observations). A choir score may not need the same types of expressions/shapes/articulations etc. as a string or brass ensemble. Setting up different templates for the specific needs of the ensemble helps reduce clutter and enables you to work more efficiently.


I'm all for more organization, though.

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Regardless of the genre, the text expressions tool needs to be worked on.  It is too many years that it has been ignored in terms of simple sorting.


Thanks for chiming in.

Randy Klein

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Even if you like the way Finale handles this, there is no way to open custom text expression templates in a different project that I'm aware of.

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What you are looking for are Library files. You can create Text Expression Libraries (or other types of Libraries) that you can load into a Template file or current document.

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Thanks, George. Right. The problem I'm having is that Libraries seem to be attached to documents. I have asked about this in the Finale Forum.

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Indeed libraries are document specific.

This is what users have requested.

When you are using different expressions, articulations, chord suffixes in different documents, you do not want them all (hundreds of them!) to show up in all your documents, thus making it harder to locate those few you actually need in that specific document.

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Hmmmm....they must have leetle tiny documents.

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If you export your custom expressions, you can import them into any future document. You might also be able to import them into a new default document.

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Relatively new user, v. 27, Windows 10. Finding Expressions frustrating to the max.

This fix took me 15 min., one time only. Fixed my problem; didn't fix Finale! You can expand the size of each Expressions window by dragging the border. Drag down so you can see all in one category. Use Windows Snip & Sketch and capture each list. Paste into another document such as OneNote or Word. Put all categories in one document - and it is SEARCHABLE! No more reading them all!


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Having to do this outside of the program sorting work is simply a blemish on the design of the expression tool.  Finale has never taken this issue seriously.  It is a major down side to the program.  As a pro composer, this part of the program holds back my flow.  Nuf said.  Finale get it together.  Or ....  another program may come along and sweep you up.  Randy Klein

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No doubt implicitly "threatening" the company will incentivize them to jump to and do whatever you want--or not.

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