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Using macOS 10.13.6. I open Finale v., which automatically opens recent documents. Sometimes I open Finale just to check for updates; often I allow Finale to open a recent document that I don't edit. But every single time I quit Finale (after saving the document I have changed), it asks about saving "changes" to all the other open documents, even if I have not changed anything. Simply opening a document apparently "changes" it. This wastes a lot of user time. There should be a way Finale 25 can recognize if a document has actually been edited, rather than considering it "changed" simply by opening the file. Finale should automatically save a file that has not been modified in any way other than just opening it.


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Perhaps (another Feature Request here) Finale could run the file maintenance when the user chooses to Save the file; if no changes have been made BY THE USER, there shouldn't need to be a Save required. Maybe "file-maintenance auto-save" would work.


This IS a feature request forum, and I am officially requesting this feature.

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Well, what they have said in the past is that every time you open a Finale doc, it runs file maintenance (whatever that means) and that that is enough to trigger the save request.


But there are certainly more things that make me curse at the program than that.

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Yes, it's annoying. But my time isn't so valuable that hitting a key to dismiss it, matters.

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If it’s annoying, it is bad user interface and creates a negative user experience.

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Correct. When you have to ‘defend’ a feature as adequate or good enough, it’s a missed opportunity for something better. :)

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YES!  EXTREMELY ANNOYING!  Every single program I have, when something is opened yet not changed, does not ask you to save files that have remained the same.  I understand the "file maintenance" thing, but if you open it and don't make any changes yourself, but perhaps the maintenance updated a couple of things, wouldn't maintenance update those same things the next time you open the document and actually make changes yourself (thus justifying an actual save)?

A checkbox to enable or disable the "file maintenance" save-request-on-exit would be great.

As a band teacher, I regularly have the students read lines I have written from the projector.  When class is over I may have 15 lines open.  To close Finale I have to say "No" to every single save.  If we had a checkbox, I would definitely disable the new "file maintenance save request on exit" feature.

This feature would REALLY make a lot of people who work with many files every day VERY happy!

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