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When in simple entry, pressing 4,5,6 etc changes the note  duration that will be placed in the score next, when playing the note on MIDI (or clicking the note into the score.)

When pressing 9 however, the note that was just entered (the note already selected) changes to a triplet or away from a triplet. This is completely against the normal workflow of being able to select that the next note entered will be a triplet, WITHOUT affecting the currently selected note. 

Some key commands are designed to modify the selected note, such as '.' (to add a dot) , '-' to make a flat, etc. It seems that 9 is one of these commands, that is designed to change the selected note to a triplet. If so... then what is the key command to make the next note you enter be a triplet?

I suggest that since a triplet 4ter,8th are metric values that are needed when entering in simple entry, that it should be possible to change the duration of the next note entered to be a triplet using a key command from among the range of numbers already used to set the duration, e.g. 2-8, so 9.

It would make more sense in the existing workflow to change 9 so that it makes the selected note a triplet, only if we are not in simple entry.

An alternative approach would be that while in simple entry,  to use a modifier key such as CTL, CMD, ALT, etc to be the duration modifier to change the selected duration into a triplet version of that duration. For example, CTL-4 would change the duration of the note to be entered next to 8th note triplet. This would be in keeping with the sense that modifier keys modify the function that the normal key alone would activate.



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Unless you are doing nested tuplets, or a piece that has eighth note and quarter note tuplets, Simple Entry works fine. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. Please.


The 9 does not make the entered note a triplet. It tells the program that a triplet is coming, based on the default triplet you have set. You don’t need to make the next note a triplet. Just enter it.

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Here is what I see:

In this flow, I clicked to enter a quarter note. Then, I wanted to start entering triplet quarter notes next. So, I press 9.

My cursor doesn't change to 4ter note triplets. Also, the note I just entered is turned into a triplet.


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When I press Alt 1, it turns my currently selected note into a 64th note.

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Michael, I think I understand, now.


Can you give me a call? I’m at 206-five two three-9628. I think I see your problem, And I’m happy to walk you through the process.

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Sorry, I only use Simple entry. My suggestion mentions I am talking about simple entry. I'm not talking about speedy entry at all.


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I watched the video. It is crazily complex. Nothing simple about it. Also, nothing follows the workflow of the rest of the simple entry. Also, no key commands to cancel tuplet mode .


I stand by my suggestion to normalize the entry of tuplets.

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Why should we need to enter into the tuplet dialogue, or to click the pallette to initiate the duration we want? No other durations require that we click the palette.

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"Why should we need to enter into the tuplet dialogue, or to click the pallette to initiate the duration we want? No other durations require that we click the palette."


Nor does this one. But if all you want to do is P & M, instead of taking advantage of other peoples' experience and expertise, have a ball.

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Hey Mike,


Sorry you do not see my suggestions as useful or reasonable. I'm not pissing and moaning, I'm point out a really bad workflow that is really hard to use and to teach to new users. When I try to teach students Finale simple entry, it gets crazy when we get to tuplets and dotted rhythms.

Just because there is a crazy, special case way to do triplets, there could still be a much easier workflow to learn and to use. IMHO.

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All I’m going to say is that if you try to use a hammer as a screwdriver, you will be unhappy.


I’m perfectly happy to help you learn to use the tool as it was designed, along with what I’ve learned over the course of a decade and a half, and thousands of scores, and many, many students. If you consider that to be trolling, I’m sorry for you.


The manual does not always give you the most efficient way to do a particular task.

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My point is that if someone is using the program in a less than efficient way, they may feel the need to ask for enhancements. If you learn a better way, you may find that there is no need to ask for them.


But, I will no longer make suggestions to help. I will, however, vote against any suggestion that I feel isn’t needed.

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