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This one relates to old Danish polkas e.a. This particularily is the Truympet Polka by Hans Peter Nielsen!

The piece is first divided in two -the main piece and the trio. After the trio he has a Coda.
Within the first part he solved a repeat with a (Ds al Fermata !! - al Trio) Now after this repeat we go into Trio!
Then to the second part he solved a repeat with a (Ds al Fermata !! - al Dc al - al Coda) After this we go into the Coda.

The problem is to make a combined sign e.g. Ds al fermata - al trio) The Ds is showing nicely byt it is impossible to make a fermata  -or a double segno show inside the symbol, which is essential to show up correctly in all parts!

Kind regards
Leo from DK


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I suppose that you mean “De to trompeter” by Hans Peter Nielsen, right?


Indeed the repeats are “complicated” to sight-read, and usually cost some rehearsal time until all the performers “get it”.


Perhaps another layout (= with other repeat symbols) would be easier to read?

Or must you use the original repeat symbols?


Here is an a solution, using multiple “alternate” repeat symbols: 

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I see your point!
How do you get it to be shown correct in all parts?


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… How do you get it to be shown correct in all parts? …

Some of the repeat texts were created with the Expression Tool (not with the Repeat Tool).


For the text repeats (= created with the Repeat Tool) I used a Staff List.


For the expressions I used a custom (= user defined) {expression category with a Score List}.

It can also be done with an {expression category without a Score List}. Then, use a Staff Assignment List.


I hope that this is clear?

If not, ask again.

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