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Hi, have just installed Finale 26 and kept Finale 25.  I reinstalled Note Performer 3, opened a Finale 25 score assigned to Note Performer playback in Finale 26.  The same delay during playback in Finale 26 as in Finale 25 - this should be fixed according a Finale blog.  Well, it does actually say: "We’ve eliminated the delay heard previously when entering notes using NotePerformer with Finale". In my naivity I thought this also ment eliminating the delay during playback....  What is really the point in removing the delay when entering notes using NotePerformer and not during playback? I am on a MacBook Pro 2017 and OS 10.13.6.


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Are you talking about no delay in playback or no delay with MIDI Thru on note entry? I'm not sure whether MM promised no delay on playback, as much as I hope that is in the works.

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No, as I quoted in my post they only promised no delay on note entry.  But I presumed, wrongly,  it would also affect playback. NotePerformer is a great sounding library and I had hoped that with Finale 26 it would work as well as it, after what I have been told, works with Sibelius.  The update of Finale 26 is a payed update and it should have been more substantial to be worth the money...


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Hi Karsten. The reason is it's more complicated to implement latency compensation than to eliminate input delay. I'm sure they're working on it ... :)

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Hi Frank, let us really hope so!  And thank you for the information that NotePerformer 3.0 was on a beta version for Finale 25 - lets hope it will be fully implemented in Finale 26 at a next upgrade of Finale (not a payed on)...


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All I can say is that the next Np3 update has been completely rewritten for Finale :)

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Ok - this is undoubtedly good news!

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