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Other pro apps like Adobe Premiere, BBEdit, and some others, have a menu shortcut editor built into the preferences menu.

I'd love to see that in Finale 26.5 - as of now, the functionality is available only through your (apparently) unsupported Finale Script.
I'm using Finale Script a lot for various functions and plugin controls, but most usefully to control configuration of the Edit Filter, which is my most-used edit call, and requires at least 3 clicks with a lot of mousing to make a selection.

It would be awesome if you could implement user-selectable (and/or default) menu item control for all of your program functions!!


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On a Mac, you can create many shortcuts in the Keyboard control panel.

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Maybe so, but those are top-level menu items only. Finale is loaded with contextual menus and dialogs, as you know, but these are not accessible via the Mac Keyboard Shortcuts feature.
Finale Script can get in there - but it's not like having a shortcut editor as in ProTools, Sibelius, Dorico, many of the Adobe apps, and a host of others. If you know a way to have the Mac tool swap layers, for example, I'd love to hear about it.
Comments are open on the post linked above... :)
Thank you for weighing in, Mike.

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I have Layer One mapped to F5, and Layer Two to F6.

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Good for you, Mike! Excellent!

So - how do you swap layers? Or change the configuration of the edit filter?

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I generally just use layers one and two. Tapping the F key switches from one to the other. I have close to 20 commands mapped to the F keys, or a Control Key + letter combination.


Admittedly, they are all level 1 or 2 commands. I haven’t gone any further. You might just need to experiment.

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By The Way:


The default Finale shortcuts to the Layers are (Mac Finale):





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Presumably you know you can use the Move/Copy Layers Tool to swap layers and are just looking for  a way to do it with one keypress. I doubt that's possible without scripting.

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If you take a closer look at that post on Scoring Notes, you may notice the author line... :)

I wrote it after posting this feature request. There's definitely a need for it - 

The post is full of scripts for practical tasks that come up all the time working with large scores.. I use Finale Scripts as a substitute for a fully-featured keyboard shortcut editor within Finale. I suspect Finale Script is why Finale never included one.

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I would like to see a shortcut editor built into Finale also, Jonathan.

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YES PLEASE to this! It's great that so many things can be FinaleScript'ed or Keyboard Maestro'ed, but for something so integral to the workflow of every pro user, it would be really wonderful to see a first-party solution (especially if it had some well-thought-out default shortcuts for most common tasks). This would be a big step towards reducing the learning curve of new users, as well as bringing consistency to the disparate workflows that are out there today (at least, for anyone not 100% attached to their own mappings :).


I would wager that for most users, it'd be quicker and cognitively easier to see a default setting for most tasks, and only change things if they want to, vs every user needing to build much of their shortcut mapping from scratch, and then those shortcuts/muscle memory not working on anyone else's system besides their own. More default shortcuts makes it easier for everyone.

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A built in shortcut editor would be fine with me, but we must absolutely retain the ability to set up our own. We each have our own workflows and needs, and must be able to customize the program to reflect that.


What I would like to see, though, is a warning flag if a shortcut we assign is already in use for something else.

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