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You can currently attach multiple chord symbols to a note.

Press Shift + Up arrow to go to add another chord symbol. (Mac and Win.)

HOWEVER -  the behavior is unlike lyrics, each row of which can be individually adjusted.  The chords too far apart.  Is there a way to adjust them like lyrics can be adjusted?

AND - why do I have to enter them one chord 'stack' at a time? I usually work the whole song out in a key, then transpose for the readers, then add the numbers as a second row.  To re-enter each chord in order to be able to add the "stack" is really tedious!!

AND - how do I set chord style for each of the stack? I want the top row to be numbers, but even when I add to library it "corrects" slashed chords:  4/1 becomes 4/F. 

Currently I have to use the lyrics tool to do this as an awkward workaround.  Is there a better way?


Thanks to MM_MICHAEL JOHNSON for the Shift/Up:


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… how do I set chord style for each of the stack? I want the top row to be numbers, but even when I add to library it "corrects" slashed chords: 4/1 becomes 4/F …


Unfortunately the chord style is document specific - the chosen chord style applies to all the chords in the document:

Chord menu > Chord Style > …


Do not forget to make a feature request about chord styles.

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ReRe Double said

I asked this two years ago.  I remain hopeful.


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The way I add a second row of chords is to add them on the next beat after the main set of chords. Then I select them with command-click so I only select the ones I want to move, then I drag them all at once up and to the left, so that they attach to the previous beat. I can adjust them as a group this way by making sure only the handles I want to move are selected. They will transpose correctly.

Sorry I don't have a solution to the different chord styles problem. All I can suggest is creating them as expressions and entering them that way. One tends to use the same six or so chords in a tune, so you can reuse expressions. But they won't transpose with the key signature.

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Thanks!!! Of course the whole point of number is they don't need to transpose!!

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