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I have a file set up with an orchestra.  About twenty-odd tracks.  I was trying to edit some velocities in a trumpet part, and it seemed that my edits didn't make any change.  I'll skip the long process that was involved in discovering the following phenomenon:

When I select any woodwind track, the midi tool correctly highlights the notes from that track and accepts the edits.  Same for the strings. But when I select any brass instrument, instead of highlighting the notes in that staff, it shows Violin I..!  So all my trumpet edits were being applied to the violin part :-)

I've checked all the midi ports and channels, can't see anything amiss.  I tried adding another instance of Vienna Ensemble and re-adding the trumpet part on an new midi port.  Same problem.

I can't see anything in the staff menu that enables a user to see the port and channel selection, that all seems to happen in the ScoreManaager.

Any ideas for troubleshooting or a workaround most welcome.. 


Windows 10, Finale 26, Vienna Symphonic Library, Vienna Ensemble, Special Edition library and Brass and String Solos libraries.


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Update: After saving work and re-opening the file, I get different odd results. Such as, select midi tool, selection flute 1, midi tool grabs violin 2 and trumpet 2.  Sometimes the midi tool grabs the right thing, but just as often, some odd other condition.

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The midi tool is unusable. They carried the bugs from Finale 25 and added new ones as a bonus.

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OK, I think I have a workaround.  I created a bookmark with only the track I wanted to work on, and when I selected some measures for midi editing the notes did get selected!  It's not as grand as being able to edit many tracks at once, but it's something :-)

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