Is Makemusic going to fix the Midi Tool bugs?
There are 2 major bugs that haven't been fixed in years that renders it completely unusable.
In both the Demos for Finale 25 and 26:
1. The Continuous Data doesn't scale properly. Type "scale" from 100 to 120 and it scales from 74 to 79. It's just some numerical bug, it could be fixed in a few hours by a competent programmer.
2. The Undo function doesn't work in the Midi Tool Window. Something that was broken when you moved to 64bit.
Other users have mentioned many other bugs as well related to staff selection and velocities.
At least 5 composers I know personally are waiting for these bugs to be fixed before buying Finale 26, some are still stuck on Finale 2011 and 2012. Please we've been waiting for years for these issues to be fixed.
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