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I have a score containing a Bb Clarinet's in "D Concert" so clarinet is in his "E".

I was asked to re-write it for "A" Clarinet.

I select all the bars, and 'change instrument' to "Clarinet in A".

Everything works fine EXCEPT, the first 16 measures (only)  are not transposed properly.

Notes and key signature remain as if it were still a Bb Clarinet part.

My "work-around" .. I defined this staff, using 'staff attributes', to have an independent key signature.

Then I changed the key of the first 16 measures to "Eb concert" and it put the "A Clarinet" into his "F" which

is the desired end result.

BUT ...  ???  why ???

Windows 10





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… Notes and key signature remain as if it were still a Bb Clarinet part …


And what about the playback?

Did it play back correctly before you changed the instrument?

Does it play back correctly after you have changed the instrument?

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I did some tests just now. The playback is not affected. It is correct.

I took the original score, hoping to send you an 8 bar extract, 4 bars before,

and 4 bars after the spot where the notation is correct (my rehearsal letter A).

But in the extract, the problem did not appear.

Then I had the idea to try instrument changes on other staves. Picking few at random, and random instruments,

they all worked fine. So it seems to be isolated to the clarinet staff.

So I have attached the full original score in case you want to explore this odd behaviour more....

If you open it, select the entire Bb Clarinet staff, and change instrument, it will only properly change the notation

beginning at rehearsal letter "A".

As I said, I have my 'work around'. But I only noticed this error accidentally and almost sent this part to the player which

would have resulted in me looking like an incompetent copyist, and some wasted time in rehearsal.

Not good.

And by the way thanks, I truly love Finale and always defend it to some "Sibelius loving Finale bashers". 

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Tom Skublics,


You have created a custom staff style called “clar treble”, which changes the staff transposition to Bb transposition.


Open your Finale document.

Staff Tool.

Staff menu > Show Staff Styles (select this)

Staff menu > Show Staff Style Names (select this)


Now you can see that the Clarinet staff’s first 16 measures have the staff style “clar treble”.

Clear that staff style from the first 16 measures, and you are “back in business”.



Finale will only show Staff Styles and Staff Styles Names while you are in the Staff Tool.

Switch to another tool, and Finale will not display them.

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Damn. Yes. I forgot I did that so that the low D concerts would be in bass clef in the score and treble clef in the part.

Sorry to have bothered you but glad you pointed that out.

It was about 3 months ago that i did this. Quite frankly I was surprised that, in the transposed linked part, it kept the bass clef

for the first 16 bars.

I run into this same problem with French Horn parts. When they are transposed, they are quite capable of being in treble clef

(which my horn players prefer) but if in bass clef in the score, then bass clef appears in the parts.

Is there a way to overcome this issue with transposing instruments??

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… I run into this same problem with French Horn parts. When they are transposed, they are quite capable of being in treble clef

(which my horn players prefer) but if in bass clef in the score, then bass clef appears in the parts.

Is there a way to overcome this issue with transposing instruments?? …


I am not sure I understand, but a Staff Style (and also a Staff Transposition) can be set to a specific clef.

Is that what you need?

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Are there not better ways to change from a Bb Clarinet to an A Clarinet than to use staff styles in Finale 26?

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Sorry (Peter) if I was not clear. This is now not relevant to the "Change Instrument" problem that I had.


I would like to have the option to have different clefs in the staff and in the score on a given part.

My French Horn example...low Horn parts in the score are easier to read in bass clef,

but when transposed up  5th (horn in F) they are more easily read in treble clef for the player. Same as my

clarinet example, low D, middle line bass clef in the score, but  Bb clarinet players do not want to see

any bass clefs, so it is a low "E" in treble clef.

I indeed use staff styles to overcome this problem, defining my own styles (in the initial issue, "clar treble" is a style

that transposes for Bb (up M2) and sets the clef to treble). I also have a "horn treble" style - up a 5th, set treble clef.


My "A Clarinet" issue is admittedly extremely rare. Finale did what I told it to do. The staff style 'getting in the way' of the 'Change Instrument' and over riding, in a sense, what it was trying to do. So I end up with a Bb transpose in treble clef for an A Clarinet - wrong!


So my question really is, what is the best way to create a score staff that might have multiple clefs, but a part that only has one clef?

I am guessing that using staff styles is the answer?

Clearly there are situations where one wants the clef changes in score and parts to be the same (e.g. cello going to tenor clef) It occurs to me now, obviously, this has to be the case non-transposing instruments.


Thanks for your time!

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