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Hi there,

Just wondering if there is any news about the cue note problem (should not be visible and audible in the score, only parts)?

This item was already adressed 3 years ago and is still not available. The existing cue notes plugin and even the TGTools 'Add cue notes' plugin are useless as long as cue notes also appear in the score.



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I too had criticised this behaviour at the time and made the following proposal: 'A further checkbox inside the cue notes plugin: "Hide cue notes in the score". If checked, cue notes and instrumental names should be only visible in the parts. Also the orchestral sound ...'

I'm very surprised nothing's happened since that time. There were several updates and new program versions. Is that so hard to program?
I wish the very best!

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Hi Lothar,

I saw your earlier comment. Strange that this obvious item has not been picked up yet.

Maybe you already thought about this yourself, the most practical (or should I say: the least unpractical?) work around for me is: finish the score first and make a copy of that score. Then enter cue notes for all instruments needed in the copy. This will leave you with two scores: one with all cue notes (for extracting parts) and one without cue notes (for the conductor). Version numbers are indispensable in case you enter any last minute changes.

Best wishes, Michel Havenith

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At least for the cue notes there is a solution: If you use layer 4 for cues, as is customary, you can apply the Staff style "Blank notation: Layer 4" to the score. The instrument names you'll probably have to hide manually in the score. I can't tell how to mute layer 4 in playback but there should be a way, I think.

BTW, I always use Michel's method with two scores because it makes me feel more free when working with the parts (it's not all about cues, but also extension lines for tempo alterations, font sizes and placement of page numbers etc.etc.).


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