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1- Are there any plans for upgrading voiced linked parts (enharmonic flips, special tools, grace note spacing)? 2 - Chord tool/chord suffix kerning - will there be any upgrades? 3 - MIDI tool UI - can I expect any changes? It would be a good thing if some MM person could answer these questions with a simple "yes" or "no". Mac, F26


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OK. Silence is an answer, too.

There will be no more annoying questions from me.

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HI Skjalg,


Your questions are certainly not annoying and we appreciate your interest. I cannot speak to future plans for specific features and tools and the prioritization of the work on these items, so a simple "yes" or "no" answer is not something that can be provided. I can say that we are working very hard on the underlying code of the program as discussed HERE. This work is intended to put Finale in a position where updates can be more quickly and efficiently added to the program when necessary and address items like the ones you mentioned here. 

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