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I dont want this 



I really need this (same position Staccato) and

I don't want to do it one by one, moving the location of the staccato onto a mouse or keyboard.

I need to know how this works automatically.

Please tell me How to make articulation created in a single line regardless of the pitch position of a note.


Help me ~~ 


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I can't find a way. Could you explain why you want this? It's not standard notation practice.

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Maybe you think you “need” that but I can assure you that anyone who tries to perform your music doesn’t.

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You can make a staccato expression instead of an articulation and set it to a fixed distance from the staff.

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Thanks for that link, Michel. I had tried that, but I didn't know how to use it. However, when I tried it on staccatos, I got 2 that snapped to the guide, and the rest went down.

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As Skjalg said, this can be done using an expression for the staccato.

I've also included a screen shot of the settings I used in the expression positioning tab.

I am wondering though why the OP wants this look.

It's not a good look, IMO. My highest note was a D, so I made the vertical placement just above that note. But if in the next 4 measures the highest note is a C in the staff, the staccatos will be floating way above the staff for no reason.



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Thank you so much guys !!

But I still didnt solve this problem...

As Jeffrey Turner said, I used the expression tool to put Stacato in a single line, but it took me too long to apply every note.

Does anyone know how to apply the expression tool to all notes at the same time?


I'd like to thank all of you for your reply once again. 

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Drag diagonally with the mouse to select a group of notes, and apply the expression. Or, assign a metatool to the expression, and hold down the metatool key while you click or drag-select.


Instructions can be found in the user manual and tutorial videos.

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I can confirm what MIKE ROSEN has found out. The JW Change plug-in -> Articulations -> Snap -> Staccatos produces some strange results. I had the same experience when the staccato dots  were under the staff. After applying the plug-in, they jumped downwards.

Expressions are the way to go.

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