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Windows 10, Finale 26

Hi all,

Because the threads for JW Plugins are pretty old, I thought I would try afresh.

I am trying to merge two layers into one. Since this cannot be done with Finale (I don't know why) someone suggested using the JW Staff Polyphony plugin.

I downloaded jwstaffpolyphony.fxt and put in into C:\Program Files\MakeMusic\Finale\26\Plug-ins and restarted Finale.
That did not work, so I Restarted my computer. That did not work either. I tried putting it in one of the existing folders, but that did not work.
I do not know how to check to see if the plugin is x64 bit or not. The zip file is
Here are its Properties:

Here's a screenshot:

In case you are wondering why I wish to do this... I have a choral work with SATB on two staves, and each in a separate layer.
In some cases the piano accompaniment is a duplicate of the vocal parts, but my pianist (and I) would prefer to have the notes and stems appear as a piano piece rather than choral to be more consistent with the rest of the piano part. For example:

Thank you, in advance!


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My apologies! Multifold. :-)

I just had a thought that with Finale 26, the plugin I have might be outdated.

So.... I returned to JW's site, found, and downloaded

I extracted it directly into the plugin folder, rather than extract it and copy it into the folder--don't know if that made a difference.

BUT IT WORKS -- AND it is really, really nifty!!

Thanks for all of your help.

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Finale 26 è solo a 64 bit. Il problema consisteva nel fatto che tu precedentemente avevi scaricato la versione del plug-in a 32 bit! ;-)

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Ah, sì, grazie ;-)

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Hi if this track is still running
I’m so useless but I downloaded Jw polyphony and now have a folder that needs to be unzipped .. how
How can I put it in the plug-ins file
I tried and it replaced all the original finale plug in files
I have got them back now
How do you put JWPlug ins in to finale
I am on windows 10
Finale 26
Thanks please help would be great

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I created a JW subfolder inside the Finale plug-ins folder to keep those added plug-ins (the file that has the .fxt extension).

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hello again Im still stuck on this as a musician and not really a computer wizz Im so stuck !!!

I have down loaded polyphony but cant get it into Finale Ive tried clicking twice  that leads me to the screen shot below


What do I do next ?

any help would be great thanks for your patience 

im on windows 10 and Finale 26





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What happens when you click the Extract button? That should produce an extracted folder inside of which your plug-in file should reside. (You seem to have the Windows extensions turned off, which hides the fxt extensions.) You take the file from the extracted folder and drag that into the Plug-ins folder which should be visible once you follow the folder path listed in my illustration. Yours would likely say 26 where mine says 27.


If you want it, you would have to create the JS Plug-ins folder on your own.

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no luck here are the files i get

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no way to drag file into finale

thanks so far


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It looks like you have to log in as Administrator. That would be with a password you probably set up when the computer was new.

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Well thanks
I tried dragging and dropping
In a file but now have lost all my plug ins !!!!
It looks and sounds the screen shots I sent mean I’m on the right track
Thanks again

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As Mike says, definitely log in as admin to your machine.


I usually extract zipped downloads right in the Download folder itself (although with file extensions hidden, you will have to look carefully at the file icon to see which is which). I can always move or delete the folders later.

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No idea what this means sorry
I have now given up
Thanks anyway

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You are not logged on your computer as the administrator. You are logged on as a user. This means you don't have access to the systems folders. That is where you need to put the Finale plug-ins. If this is your personal computer, you should have set up a password for the administrator account when you very first got it.  You need to log back in to that account. If you bought a used computer or this is a public computer you probably are out of luck unless you can get or know that password.

Also, right click on the Finale icon. You will get a drop down menu with "Run as Administrator" in it. If I remember correctly you can't access the help  files if you don't.

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Hi there thanks so much I think even I can follow that so I will give that my best shot I’m on tour for the next two weeks so I will come back and leave a message on here thank you

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Good luck.

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Is it snarky to ask if his computer keyboard came without the keys for punctuation marks, or am I just an old fogey who doesn’t understand the new hipster language paradigm?

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Martin, I’m merely questioning your grammar, or lack of it. Most people of my day expect to see commas, periods, and the like. Maybe it only bothers me. But if you came to me for a job, your résumé wouldn’t even be read. Just sayin’.

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I’m just trying to
Get to use this program as quickly as possible ,
I think people like myself who are not the greatest computer exponents … as clearly you are just need things made very very clear !
Have you ever heard of bullet points ?
In any case I’m not going to bother with this forum any longer
I have music to write .

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Martin Nickless

Never mind him. Just ignore him, I do. He's run more than one person off a forum.

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Only the ones who never learned to take criticism.

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JW Plugins for Mac 64 bit


I thought about creating a new thread but this has some good info so I'll append it instead. The recent TG Tools 3 thread  made me realize it's been 4 years since I've been to Jari's site to see what's been going on with JW Tools for the Mac. 


It turns out that some were added or updated in 2018 and 2019. Hover over the Details block for each plugin to see the version and when uploaded. Ok, time to update. Rather than check each plug against my installed base, I downloaded all 44, unzipped, opened and emptied my JW Plugins folder then dragged these all in. Since I still have 26 installed, I copied the folder  and overwrote that JW Plugins folder, too. Done and done.

The correct path on a Mac is one or more of the following:

/Library/Application Support/MakeMusic/Finale 27/Plug-ins/JW Plugins

/Library/Application Support/MakeMusic/Finale 26/Plug-ins/JW Plugins

/Library/Application Support/MakeMusic/Finale 25/Plug-ins/JW Plugins


If there is no JW Plugins folder in the directory, you need to create one in the Plug-ins folder. Jari's instructions have not been clear in the past on this. Again, if you have multiple versions of Finale 64 bit installed, you should install in each of those directories. As with Windows, you need to be logged in as Administrator and may have to Authenticate the installation with your Admin password.




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And please, if you use Jari’s plugins, send him some money, so he can keep doing this for us!

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"I thought about creating a new thread but this has some good info so I'll append it instead. "

Too bad Martin was run off.  So, I doubt he will see it. But that happens because of some rude folks. Doesn't it?

It pays to be friendly and to apologize when you made a mistake.

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