OK on my previous Pc i had Sforzando and Aria working on the same PC without error messages.
Now that my PC has died i am reinstalling
Garittan Pipe Organ
Garritan Orchestra 4
Garritan Orchestra 5
When i reinstall the aria player seems to be having issues with the application failing.
Now i have two questions
1 Do i need to install only the aria player or both aria and Sforzando. I noted on the version of Aria that did work that the Sforzando sounds appear to work on aria. I only had Sforzando because i waa trying to make my own soundbanks. I dont need to do this anymore. Do i need to iNstall only the Aria products and sfz souns n the plugins folder?
2 My c drive is only meant to have win 10 on it. But whatever i do a plogue folder is added to programs. If i move the plogue folder to the data drive then everything stops working. Why do the Garritan products place a folder onto c drive when it isn’t meant to? Ta in advance. My PC details can be found in my profile.
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