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OK on my previous Pc i had Sforzando and Aria working on the same PC without error messages.  

Now that my PC has died i am reinstalling 

Garittan Pipe Organ

Garritan Orchestra 4 

Garritan Orchestra 5


When i reinstall the aria player seems to be having issues with the application failing.

Now i have two questions  

1 Do i need to install only the aria player or both aria and Sforzando.  I noted on the version of Aria that did work that the Sforzando sounds appear to work on aria.  I only had Sforzando because i waa trying to make my own soundbanks.  I dont need to do this anymore.  Do i need to iNstall only the Aria products and sfz souns n the plugins folder?

2 My c drive is only meant to have win 10 on it.  But whatever i do a plogue folder is added to programs. If i move the plogue folder to the data drive then everything stops working.  Why do the Garritan products place a folder onto c drive when it isn’t meant to?  Ta in advance.   My PC details can be found in my profile. 

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Ok all sorted.  I removed Sforzando and everything seems to be ok with the addition of extra Sforzando sound sets.  All you do is coot the extracted folder to where the Garittan instruments.  In an open Garritan aria player drag the .bank.xml file to the centre of the player.  Youll get a message asking do you wish to authoise for example. Click OK.youll be asked for administrator rights.  Click yes when asked.  After about a minute you get OK.  Some of the Kyrofer sounds dont seem to work ie the merry or marie orks.  But i just wished that Microsoft had thought about the issue of supplying the OS on an SSD and HDD drive.  Their software doesnt seem to cope that files get uploaded onto the C drive when they shouldnt. 

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