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sorry if I disturb, since this morning when I save a document with Finale 26.3, this window appears (which I am attaching).
At the first save, the window does not appear, but subsequently yes.
Fortunately, the document is saved regularly, but I don't want this to cause any problems.
Do you have any idea what the problem is and how it can be solved?

The second line says:
"Cannot create a file if the file already exists".

Thank you


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First, try restarting the computer.

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grazie per la risposta.
Ho fatto di meglio: ho disinstallato Finale, cancellato il registro, riavviato e poi reinstallato Finale.
Purtroppo il problema non è nel Finale stesso, ma nei documenti stessi.
Perché ho provato a creare un nuovo documento senza alcuna configurazione particolare e tutto procede senza intoppi.
Ora, non sarebbe un male per i programmatori inserire un numero di riferimento per questi avvisi e poi darci un elenco esaustivo della spiegazione in modo che noi utenti possiamo provare a risolverlo senza disturbare nessuno?

I migliori saluti

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What Adriano said (via Google Translate):


Thanks for the reply.
I did better: I uninstalled Finale, cleared the registry, restarted and then reinstalled Finale.
Unfortunately the problem is not in the Finale itself, but in the documents themselves.
Because I tried to create a new document without any particular configuration and everything goes smoothly.
Now, wouldn't it be bad for programmers to enter a reference number for these warnings and then give us an exhaustive list of the explanation so that we users can try to fix it without disturbing anyone?

Best regards

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