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Hi everyone

I am creating a click-track for musicians in my church band to use when recording Christmas music from their homes. I have created it using the 'click and countoff' facility under MIDI/Audio.   It works brilliantly when I play it back.  But when I export the sound file as a .wav file, the countoff bars are silent and the clicks aren't audible.   What am I doing wrong?


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Create your own click track with a wood block or two.

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Yes I could I suppose, but why create the extra work when it's a built in capability that I assume I am simply getting slightly wrong? 

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Actually, last time I simply played back the click-track that Finale generated and recorded the output on my phone and saved that as the click-track to distribute to the players.   Quicker than adding a wood-block staff.    But would still prefer to know the correct solution :)

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The playback’s {click and countoff} is not included in the exported audio file because the {click and countoff} is not included in the saved Finale document (but rather generated “on the fly”).


To capture Finale’s actual playback - including the {click and countoff} - you can use an external program like Audacity.

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Thanks Peter. Very clear, and glad it wasn't user error on my part.   I think that for a shortish piece I will stick to my method - playing it out loud and recording it on my mobile phone and saving the resulting sound file.    Preferable to me than either adding extraneous instruments to the score or getting involved with another piece of software, but that's just me! Thanks again

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THX for posting Matthew, your the only example of what has happened to me over the weekend. I've been using Finale since day dot and never had this happen up till very recently. Current latest version

Like Matthew, I play back an exported audio file from Finale in either VLC, microsoft player, Groove music, etc... and the (usually) 2 bars of click before the piece of music, does not play and the rest of the file plays! I have been doing this task for years (almost daily!) through multiple versions of Finale and never had an issue; most commonly for students/ensemble practice to 'gauge' tempo before playing.

So Saturday I opened multiple files (as I have done for ages), not expecting the file to not play properly... nearly had an 'aneurysm' thinking all my Finale files had been corrupted or something (thousands of files and thousands of hours work).

Have tried old files, current files that I know have played properly, created TEST files and playing from another device (phone), all to no avail; the files play fine in Finale but the click track is always absent from the exported audio file (.wav). Peter Thomsen, is there anything else I'm missing? Again, this has NEVER happened until Saturday.

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So I’m confused. Is the click track playing, and it shouldn’t? Is it not playing, and it should?


And I agree with Adrian. Add a staff, do one measure with wood blocks, and Paste Multiple to the end. Easier than recording to the phone, I would think.

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Hi Mike, appreciate your quick response and apologies for the long-winded explanation but is a querky problem I haven't come across.

So, I have a finished Finale file with a x2 bar (measure) Click and Countoff before the music starts. Countoff automatically has a click to it and I make sure I've selected 'Always' in the Countoff drop down.

I play whilst still in Finale and all is good. I then choose Export/Audio to save as a .wav file.

From 3 days ago, I play the exported audio (.wav) file and the 'click' in the x2 bars isn't audible. The time is still there before the music starts but can't hear the click.

I'm thinking to myself, have I selected or deselected something to stop the 'Countoff click'? So was just was asking for some advice or if someone has experienced the same, which is why I commented on Mathew's Thread, which specifically mentioned:

..."I have created it using the 'click and countoff' facility under MIDI/Audio. It works brilliantly when I play it back. But when I export the sound file as a .wav file, the countoff bars are silent and the clicks aren't audible."

I prob should have started a new thread...

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just curious... what are your woodblocks?

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