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Hi All,


I'm using Finale 26.3.1 on a Windows 10 laptop. You experts are my last hope. I've edited the repeat ending to show on all staves, it still does not. It's a two ending repeat, but the repeat lines show on the vocal part and the top stave of the piano part. It doesn't matter which way I get to to check box (Repeat options or Edit Repeat assignment), it says "Show on, all staves" but only shows on the top stave of the piano part. Any ideas that don't include start over and copy everything over to a new file?




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It is a common practice to have those lines display only on the top staff of the piano.

If you want them on all staves :

1) Staff Tool :  make sure the in the staff attributes of each staff, Endings and Repeats is selected to display (Both staves of the piano). Then : 

2) Repeat tool.

Double click on the handle that is associated with the number (hidden). Select Edit Ending, Select All.

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I'm sorry it seems you misunderstood me. I wasn't referring to the measure brackets for the first and second ending. My problem is getting the barline with the two dots to show on both staves. It simply refuses. I could get the measure brackets for the first and second ending to show on just the top staff if Top Staff only was selected, but I can't get the double bar repeat symbol to show on both staves of the piano part.


BTW, I have a couple of repeats in this song and all of them are similarly afflicted. This is what leads me to believe it's a global setting. But editing the staff attributes to include endings and text repeats didn't do the job.

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The culprit could be in the Staff Tool.

Make sure that the option {Repeat Bars} is selected (not de-selected):


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I see, you ment barlines. In the staff attributes, Repeat Bars should be checked for both staves. Is it the case ?

If the piano was created as a group (Wizzard or Score Manager -> New Instrument), the repeat barlines should be present from the start.

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Thank you!! That did it. Yee Haw!


If I may ask one more question. In another song I have a DC al coda and in the next bar the coda starts. I can't find a way to get even a double barline between the two. Suggestion?

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FYI, I fixed the other song by editing measure attributes and giving it a double barline. Thanks again.

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