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Hello all, I'm running Finale on Windows 10.  I'm working on an orchestra score and having a hard time balancing my ensemble.  In particular, I can't seem to get the Violins 2 KS patch in Garritan to play back at a reasonable volume.  It seems that no matter what I do, it sounds ten times louder than it should.  I have tried the following:

 - Double-checked that it is given the correct expression for dynamics.

 - Reduced its volume in the score manager, often to a fraction of what the other string section patches are set at.

 - Loaded the overzealous Violins 2 KS into its own bank so I could further adjust it down.

Doing all of this, and setting the bank volume to 10 in the VST Bank & Effects dialog while the other string patches are set in a bank with a volume closer to 50 nearly equalizes it at low dynamics.  But when I play it back at anything stronger than mf and it still dominates.  It seems like there is something going on that is causing it to be ear-splittingly loud.  Any ideas out there?  I am using Human Playback, on the standard setting.


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Do you have any plug-ins enabled?

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Mike, I don't believe I have any plug-ins active. I am using human playback (standard), and I have effects on each bank (convolution, ambience), but the settings are identical.

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The best (easy) VST for balancing the various instruments is probably NotePerformer although its string sounds are (IMO) its weakest instrument family.


There is a demo of NP available if you wanted to try it. 

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