Would it be possible to make smart shapes, articulations and expressions copyable by just selecting them (single and multiple selection!) and copy-paste it (Ctrl.c/Ctrl.v in Win)? I know it's possible now to copy these items but these methods have limitations. Changing the edit filter for every item is very cumbersome. Most music notation software have this feature, why not Finale!?
The "edit filter" dialog is indeed a very powerful function, but it lacks a fast way to save settings. Using third-party-software (and/or hardware), it's possible to save and restore filter dialog settings with a key or some MIDI message.
That's what I recommend as long as MM does not include such a function in Finale.
@Michel Havenith - of course: tirst thing to think about is how the different filter settings should be triggered - by keystrokes or MIDI messages? If it's keystrokes only, https://www.autohotkey.com/ on Windows is sufficent. If you want to select filter settings via MIDI, additional software like https://www.bome.com/products/miditranslator , http://www.midiox.com/ and https://nerds.de/en/loopbe1.html might be necessary or helpful.
Here's a sample Autohotkey script, the comments are in German. When it's run, it resides in memory and does not show a window (though, it could). First, it checks whether Finale is the active window and only then gets into action. If I hit the PageDown key, the script sends the "Alt" key and the keys e,r,g to Finale. This triggers Speedy Entry's "Slur backwards" (in the German version). Accordingly, the AltGr-Key with comma key selects a filter setting by opening the Filter window, selecting all necessary items and closing it.
#IfWinActive, ahk_class Finale
; Haltebogen zur vorherigen Note
PgDn::Send !erg
; Haltebogen für einen ganzen Akkord zum vorherigen Akkord
PgUp::send {Down 10}!erh{Up 10}
; AltGr + . = Filter setzen: Zeichen mit Noten und Notensystemstilen
<^>!.::send +!^f!k!o!z!y{Enter}
; AltGR + , = Filter setzen: nur Zeichen
<^>!,::send +!^f!k!z{Enter}
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